Welcome to the Daily Editorial Vocabulary series! Here, we bring you carefully selected words from daily editorials that are essential for enhancing your vocabulary. Whether you’re preparing for UPSC, SSC, RRB, IBPS, SBI PO, RBI Grade B, CAT, MBA, NDA, CDS, or any other Indian government exams, mastering these words will help you excel in both the written and verbal sections of your exams. Stay ahead in your preparation by learning new words and improving your language skills every day!
1️⃣ Flak (noun)
🔊 Pronunciation: फ्लैक
💡 Meaning: Strong criticism or opposition
📝 Hindi: कड़ी आलोचना
✍️ Example: The government received a lot of flak for its controversial policy.
(सरकार को अपनी विवादास्पद नीति के लिए कड़ी आलोचना झेलनी पड़ी।)
2️⃣ Vociferously (adverb)
🔊 Pronunciation: वो-सि-फे-रस-ली
💡 Meaning: In a loud and forceful manner
📝 Hindi: ज़ोरदार तरीके से
✍️ Example: The protesters vociferously opposed the new law.
(प्रदर्शनकारियों ने नए कानून का ज़ोरदार विरोध किया।)
3️⃣ Worrisome (adjective)
🔊 Pronunciation: वॉ-री-सम
💡 Meaning: Causing concern or anxiety
📝 Hindi: चिंताजनक
✍️ Example: The rise in unemployment is a worrisome issue.
(बेरोजगारी में वृद्धि एक चिंताजनक मुद्दा है।)
4️⃣ Aver (verb)
🔊 Pronunciation: ए-वेर
💡 Meaning: To state or assert confidently
📝 Hindi: दृढ़तापूर्वक कहना
✍️ Example: The scientist averred that the new treatment was highly effective.
(वैज्ञानिक ने दृढ़तापूर्वक कहा कि नया इलाज बहुत प्रभावी था।)
5️⃣ Prima facie (adjective/adverb)
🔊 Pronunciation: प्राइ-म-फे-शी
💡 Meaning: At first glance, based on initial impression
📝 Hindi: प्रथम दृष्टया
✍️ Example: Prima facie evidence suggests that the accident was avoidable.
(प्रथम दृष्टया प्रमाण से पता चलता है कि दुर्घटना रोकी जा सकती थी।)
6️⃣ Exacerbate (verb)
🔊 Pronunciation: इग-ज़ै-स-र-बेट
💡 Meaning: To make a problem or situation worse
📝 Hindi: स्थिति को और बिगाड़ना
✍️ Example: The lack of medical facilities exacerbated the health crisis.
(चिकित्सा सुविधाओं की कमी ने स्वास्थ्य संकट को और बढ़ा दिया।)
7️⃣ Unilateral (adjective)
🔊 Pronunciation: यू-नि-लै-टरल
💡 Meaning: Performed by or affecting only one side
📝 Hindi: एकतरफा
✍️ Example: The country’s unilateral decision led to tensions with its neighbors.
(देश के एकतरफा फैसले से उसके पड़ोसियों के साथ तनाव बढ़ गया।)
8️⃣ Inflammatory (adjective)
🔊 Pronunciation: इन-फ्लै-म-टॉ-री
💡 Meaning: Causing strong emotions, especially anger or hostility
📝 Hindi: भड़काऊ
✍️ Example: The leader’s inflammatory speech triggered protests across the city.
(नेता के भड़काऊ भाषण ने पूरे शहर में विरोध प्रदर्शन को जन्म दिया।)
9️⃣ Enviable (adjective)
🔊 Pronunciation: एन-वि-अ-बुल
💡 Meaning: Highly desirable or admired
📝 Hindi: ईर्ष्यालायक
✍️ Example: She has an enviable reputation in the fashion industry.
(उनकी फैशन इंडस्ट्री में ईर्ष्यालायक प्रतिष्ठा है।)
🔟 Reckless (adjective)
🔊 Pronunciation: रेक-लस
💡 Meaning: Without thinking about the consequences
📝 Hindi: लापरवाह
✍️ Example: His reckless driving almost caused an accident.
(उनकी लापरवाह ड्राइविंग ने लगभग एक दुर्घटना को जन्म दिया।)
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) based on the vocabulary:
1️⃣ What does the word “Flak” mean?
a) Praise and appreciation
b) Strong criticism or opposition
c) A minor inconvenience
d) A type of financial loss
2️⃣ Which of the following best defines “Vociferously”?
a) Silently and calmly
b) In a loud and forceful manner
c) Hesitantly and nervously
d) Secretly and discreetly
3️⃣ What is the meaning of “Worrisome”?
a) Exciting and joyful
b) Causing concern or anxiety
c) Something unexpected
d) A temporary issue
4️⃣ The word “Aver” is used to express:
a) Denial or rejection
b) Strong or confident assertion
c) Hesitation or uncertainty
d) Confusion or doubt
5️⃣ What does “Prima facie” mean?
a) Based on first impression
b) Deeply analyzed
c) A situation beyond repair
d) Something completely irrelevant
6️⃣ Which of the following is the correct meaning of “Exacerbate”?
a) To make a problem worse
b) To solve an issue
c) To ignore a situation
d) To neutralize a conflict
7️⃣ If a decision is described as “Unilateral,” it means:
a) It was made jointly by multiple parties
b) It was one-sided and made by a single entity
c) It was reached through compromise
d) It involved a detailed debate
8️⃣ An “Inflammatory” speech is likely to:
a) Calm people down
b) Provoke strong emotions, especially anger
c) Be neutral and unbiased
d) Be based on facts alone
9️⃣ If someone has an “Enviable” position, it means:
a) They are in a difficult situation
b) Their position is highly desirable or admired
c) They are in an unfortunate condition
d) They lack status or recognition
🔟 A “Reckless” decision is characterized by:
a) Careful and thoughtful planning
b) Cautious and calculated risk-taking
c) Acting without thinking about consequences
d) Following strict rules and regulations
✅ Answers:
1️⃣ b) Strong criticism or opposition
2️⃣ b) In a loud and forceful manner
3️⃣ b) Causing concern or anxiety
4️⃣ b) Strong or confident assertion
5️⃣ a) Based on first impression
6️⃣ a) To make a problem worse
7️⃣ b) It was one-sided and made by a single entity
8️⃣ b) Provoke strong emotions, especially anger
9️⃣ b) Their position is highly desirable or admired
🔟 c) Acting without thinking about consequences