Welcome to the Daily Editorial Vocabulary series! Here, we bring you carefully selected words from daily editorials that are essential for enhancing your vocabulary. Whether you’re preparing for UPSC, SSC, RRB, IBPS, SBI PO, RBI Grade B, CAT, MBA, NDA, CDS, or any other Indian government exams, mastering these words will help you excel in both the written and verbal sections of your exams. Stay ahead in your preparation by learning new words and improving your language skills every day!
Daily Editorial Vocabulary List
1️⃣ Expediency (noun)
🔊 Pronunciation: एक्सपीडिएंसी
💡 Meaning: The quality of being convenient and practical despite possibly being improper or immoral.
📝 Hindi: सुविधा या अवसरवादिता
✍️ Example: The politician’s decision was driven more by expediency than by moral conviction.
(राजनेता का निर्णय नैतिक विश्वास की तुलना में अधिक अवसरवादिता से प्रेरित था।)
2️⃣ Ubiquity (noun)
🔊 Pronunciation: यूबिक्विटी
💡 Meaning: The state of being everywhere or very common.
📝 Hindi: सर्वव्यापकता
✍️ Example: The ubiquity of smartphones has transformed communication.
(स्मार्टफोन की सर्वव्यापकता ने संचार को बदल दिया है।)
3️⃣ Alleviating (verb)
🔊 Pronunciation: एलीविएटिंग
💡 Meaning: Making suffering, a problem, or a difficulty less severe.
📝 Hindi: कम करना या राहत देना
✍️ Example: The new policy aims at alleviating traffic congestion in the city.
(नई नीति का उद्देश्य शहर में यातायात की भीड़ को कम करना है।)
4️⃣ Decarbonise (verb)
🔊 Pronunciation: डीकार्बोनाइज़
💡 Meaning: To reduce carbon emissions, especially in industrial and energy production.
📝 Hindi: कार्बन उत्सर्जन को कम करना
✍️ Example: Governments worldwide are striving to decarbonise their economies.
(दुनिया भर की सरकारें अपनी अर्थव्यवस्थाओं को डीकार्बोनाइज़ करने का प्रयास कर रही हैं।)
5️⃣ Rapprochement (noun)
🔊 Pronunciation: रैप्रोश्मॉं
💡 Meaning: The reestablishment of harmonious relations between groups or countries.
📝 Hindi: पुनर्मिलन या मेल-मिलाप
✍️ Example: The two rival nations have shown signs of rapprochement in recent diplomatic talks.
(हालिया राजनयिक वार्ताओं में दोनों प्रतिद्वंद्वी देशों ने मेल-मिलाप के संकेत दिए हैं।)
6️⃣ Forfeiting (verb)
🔊 Pronunciation: फॉरफिटिंग
💡 Meaning: Losing or giving up something as a penalty or consequence.
📝 Hindi: अधिकार खो देना या ज़ब्त कर लिया जाना
✍️ Example: The company is at risk of forfeiting its contract due to regulatory violations.
(विनियामक उल्लंघनों के कारण कंपनी के अनुबंध को ज़ब्त किए जाने का खतरा है।)
7️⃣ Ignominy (noun)
🔊 Pronunciation: इग्नोमिनी
💡 Meaning: Public shame or disgrace.
📝 Hindi: अपमान या बदनामी
✍️ Example: The scandal brought ignominy to the once-revered politician.
(इस घोटाले ने कभी सम्मानित राजनेता को अपमानित कर दिया।)
8️⃣ Foothold (noun)
🔊 Pronunciation: फुटहोल्ड
💡 Meaning: A secure position from which further progress may be made.
📝 Hindi: आधार या मज़बूत स्थिति
✍️ Example: The tech company is trying to gain a foothold in the highly competitive Indian market.
(तकनीकी कंपनी भारतीय बाजार में एक मज़बूत स्थिति प्राप्त करने का प्रयास कर रही है।)
9️⃣ Strategic (adjective)
🔊 Pronunciation: स्ट्रैटेजिक
💡 Meaning: Relating to a plan of action designed to achieve a major goal.
📝 Hindi: रणनीतिक
✍️ Example: The firm made a strategic decision to expand its operations overseas.
(कंपनी ने अपनी गतिविधियों को विदेशों में विस्तारित करने का रणनीतिक निर्णय लिया।)
🔟 Electoral (adjective)
🔊 Pronunciation: इलेक्टोरल
💡 Meaning: Relating to elections or the voting process.
📝 Hindi: चुनावी
✍️ Example: The electoral process must be free and fair to uphold democracy.
(लोकतंत्र को बनाए रखने के लिए चुनावी प्रक्रिया स्वतंत्र और निष्पक्ष होनी चाहिए।)
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) based on the vocabulary:
1️⃣ What does “Expediency” primarily refer to?
a) Moral correctness
b) Practicality over ethics
c) Complete failure
d) Random decision-making
2️⃣ Which of the following best defines “Ubiquity”?
a) Rare occurrence
b) Being present everywhere
c) Being obsolete
d) Lack of influence
3️⃣ What does “Alleviating” mean in the given context?
a) To worsen a problem
b) To make something less severe
c) To completely eliminate something
d) To ignore an issue
4️⃣ “Decarbonise” is most closely associated with which of the following?
a) Reducing carbon emissions
b) Increasing fuel usage
c) Generating nuclear energy
d) Improving financial systems
5️⃣ “Rapprochement” refers to what kind of relationship between groups?
a) Hostile and tense
b) Strengthened and harmonious
c) Competitive and aggressive
d) Undefined and uncertain
6️⃣ If a person is “Forfeiting” something, what are they doing?
a) Gaining a reward
b) Losing or giving up something
c) Negotiating for a better outcome
d) Inventing new ideas
7️⃣ “Ignominy” is most closely related to which of the following words?
a) Honor
b) Success
c) Disgrace
d) Achievement
8️⃣ Which situation best represents gaining a “Foothold”?
a) A company enters a new market and establishes itself
b) A student fails an important exam
c) A country loses its military power
d) A scientist abandons their research
9️⃣ What does the word “Strategic” imply in decision-making?
a) Careless planning
b) Making decisions without goals
c) A well-thought-out plan for success
d) Avoiding long-term commitments
🔟 Which statement correctly describes an “Electoral” process?
a) It involves scientific experiments
b) It is related to business marketing
c) It pertains to voting and elections
d) It is a military strategy
1️⃣ b) Practicality over ethics
2️⃣ b) Being present everywhere
3️⃣ b) To make something less severe
4️⃣ a) Reducing carbon emissions
5️⃣ b) Strengthened and harmonious
6️⃣ b) Losing or giving up something
7️⃣ c) Disgrace
8️⃣ a) A company enters a new market and establishes itself
9️⃣ c) A well-thought-out plan for success
🔟 c) It pertains to voting and elections