Welcome to the Daily Editorial Vocabulary series! Here, we bring you carefully selected words from daily editorials that are essential for enhancing your vocabulary. Whether you’re preparing for UPSC, SSC, RRB, IBPS, SBI PO, RBI Grade B, CAT, MBA, NDA, CDS, or any other Indian government exams, mastering these words will help you excel in both the written and verbal sections of your exams. Stay ahead in your preparation by learning new words and improving your language skills every day!
1️⃣ Persecution (noun)
🔊 Pronunciation: परसिक्यूशन
💡 Meaning: Persistent mistreatment or harassment, especially due to political or ideological beliefs.
📝 Hindi: उत्पीड़न
✍️ Example: The persecution of political opponents threatens the integrity of democracy.
(राजनीतिक विरोधियों का उत्पीड़न लोकतंत्र की अखंडता को खतरे में डालता है।)
2️⃣ Orchestrate (verb)
🔊 Pronunciation: ऑर्केस्ट्रेट
💡 Meaning: To carefully plan or coordinate an event or situation, often secretly or skillfully.
📝 Hindi: कुशलता से योजना बनाना
✍️ Example: The ruling party orchestrated the removal of its strongest rival before the elections.
(सत्तारूढ़ पार्टी ने चुनाव से पहले अपने सबसे मजबूत प्रतिद्वंद्वी को हटाने की कुशल योजना बनाई।)
3️⃣ Stagnation (noun)
🔊 Pronunciation: स्टैग्नेशन
💡 Meaning: A state of inactivity or lack of growth, often in economic or social contexts.
📝 Hindi: ठहराव
✍️ Example: The country’s economic stagnation has led to increased public discontent.
(देश की आर्थिक स्थिरता ने जन असंतोष को बढ़ा दिया है।)
4️⃣ Vicarious (adjective)
🔊 Pronunciation: वाइकेरियस
💡 Meaning: Experienced through the actions of another rather than directly.
📝 Hindi: परोक्ष अनुभव
✍️ Example: The politician’s supporters took vicarious offense at the comedian’s satire.
(राजनेता के समर्थकों ने हास्य कलाकार की व्यंग्य रचना से परोक्ष रूप से आहत महसूस किया।)
5️⃣ Intolerance (noun)
🔊 Pronunciation: इंटॉलरेंस
💡 Meaning: Unwillingness to accept views, beliefs, or behaviors that differ from one’s own.
📝 Hindi: असहिष्णुता
✍️ Example: Rising political intolerance threatens freedom of speech.
(बढ़ती राजनीतिक असहिष्णुता अभिव्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता को खतरे में डालती है।)
6️⃣ Retaliation (noun)
🔊 Pronunciation: रिटैलियेशन
💡 Meaning: An act of revenge or counterattack.
📝 Hindi: प्रतिशोध
✍️ Example: The government’s retaliation against dissenters has sparked protests.
(असंतुष्टों के खिलाफ सरकार की प्रतिशोधात्मक कार्रवाई ने विरोध प्रदर्शनों को जन्म दिया।)
7️⃣ Escalation (noun)
🔊 Pronunciation: एस्कलेशन
💡 Meaning: A rapid increase or intensification of a conflict or situation.
📝 Hindi: वृद्धि या तीव्रता
✍️ Example: The arrest of opposition leaders led to the escalation of public outrage.
(विपक्षी नेताओं की गिरफ्तारी ने सार्वजनिक आक्रोश को बढ़ा दिया।)
8️⃣ Vindictive (adjective)
🔊 Pronunciation: विंडिक्टिव
💡 Meaning: Having or showing a strong desire for revenge.
📝 Hindi: प्रतिशोधी
✍️ Example: The vindictive use of legal action against critics undermines democracy.
(आलोचकों के खिलाफ कानूनी कार्रवाई का प्रतिशोधी उपयोग लोकतंत्र को कमजोर करता है।)
9️⃣ Defiance (noun)
🔊 Pronunciation: डिफाइअन्स
💡 Meaning: Open resistance or bold disobedience.
📝 Hindi: अवहेलना
✍️ Example: The opposition leader’s defiance of government restrictions gained public support.
(विपक्षी नेता की सरकारी प्रतिबंधों की अवहेलना ने जनता का समर्थन हासिल किया।)
🔟 Suppression (noun)
🔊 Pronunciation: सप्प्रेशन
💡 Meaning: The act of forcibly preventing or restraining something, especially dissent.
📝 Hindi: दमन
✍️ Example: The suppression of press freedom has drawn international criticism.
(मीडिया स्वतंत्रता के दमन ने अंतरराष्ट्रीय आलोचना को जन्म दिया है।)
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) based on the vocabulary:
1️⃣ What does “Persecution” most closely mean?
A) Encouragement
B) Harassment
C) Celebration
D) Promotion
2️⃣ If a political leader “orchestrates” an event, what is he/she doing?
A) Ignoring it
B) Randomly participating in it
C) Carefully planning it
D) Criticizing it
3️⃣ “Stagnation” in an economy refers to:
A) Rapid growth
B) Consistent improvement
C) Lack of progress
D) Decrease in inflation
4️⃣ A “vicarious” experience is one that is:
A) Directly felt
B) Indirectly experienced
C) Unpleasant and painful
D) Unrelated to emotions
5️⃣ Which of the following best defines “intolerance”?
A) Willingness to accept diversity
B) Inability to tolerate different views
C) Desire to learn new things
D) Openness to discussion
6️⃣ What does “retaliation” mean?
A) Forgiveness after an offense
B) A peaceful resolution
C) An act of revenge
D) An apology for wrongdoing
7️⃣ If a situation experiences “escalation,” it is:
A) Remaining stable
B) Decreasing in intensity
C) Intensifying or increasing rapidly
D) Becoming irrelevant
8️⃣ A “vindictive” person is most likely to:
A) Forgive others easily
B) Seek revenge
C) Be generous in nature
D) Support justice impartially
9️⃣ Which sentence best demonstrates the meaning of “defiance”?
A) The citizens obeyed the law without protest.
B) The activist boldly opposed the government’s policies.
C) The leader encouraged peaceful negotiations.
D) The judge ruled fairly in the court case.
🔟 What does “suppression” refer to?
A) Encouraging free speech
B) Preventing something forcefully
C) Increasing public participation
D) Supporting democratic values
1️⃣ B) Harassment
2️⃣ C) Carefully planning it
3️⃣ C) Lack of progress
4️⃣ B) Indirectly experienced
5️⃣ B) Inability to tolerate different views
6️⃣ C) An act of revenge
7️⃣ C) Intensifying or increasing rapidly
8️⃣ B) Seek revenge
9️⃣ B) The activist boldly opposed the government’s policies.
🔟 B) Preventing something forcefully