Daily Editorial Vocabulary: 25 March 2025

Welcome to the Daily Editorial Vocabulary series! Here, we bring you carefully selected words from daily editorials that are essential for enhancing your vocabulary. Whether you’re preparing for UPSC, SSC, RRB, IBPS, SBI PO, RBI Grade B, CAT, MBA, NDA, CDS, or any other Indian government exams, mastering these words will help you excel in both the written and verbal sections of your exams. Stay ahead in your preparation by learning new words and improving your language skills every day!

1️⃣ Speculation (noun)

🔊 Pronunciation: स्पेकुलेशन
💡 Meaning: The forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence
📝 Hindi: अटकल
✍️ Example: The media’s speculation about the judge’s involvement led to unnecessary controversy.
(न्यायाधीश की संलिप्तता के बारे में मीडिया की अटकलों ने अनावश्यक विवाद को जन्म दिया।)

2️⃣ Efficacy (noun)

🔊 Pronunciation: एफिकेसी
💡 Meaning: The ability to produce a desired or intended result
📝 Hindi: प्रभावशीलता
✍️ Example: The efficacy of the internal judicial probe remains uncertain.
(आंतरिक न्यायिक जांच की प्रभावशीलता अनिश्चित बनी हुई है।)

3️⃣ Insulation (noun)

🔊 Pronunciation: इंसुलेशन
💡 Meaning: Protection from something, especially undesirable external influences
📝 Hindi: पृथक्करण
✍️ Example: Excessive insulation of the judiciary can sometimes hinder accountability.
(न्यायपालिका का अत्यधिक पृथक्करण कभी-कभी जवाबदेही में बाधा डाल सकता है।)

4️⃣ Reckless (adjective)

🔊 Pronunciation: रेकलेस
💡 Meaning: Without thinking or caring about the consequences of an action
📝 Hindi: लापरवाह
✍️ Example: The reckless decision to dismantle the education department sparked nationwide protests.
(शिक्षा विभाग को समाप्त करने का लापरवाह निर्णय राष्ट्रव्यापी विरोध का कारण बना।)

5️⃣ Indisputable (adjective)

🔊 Pronunciation: इंडिस्प्यूटेबल
💡 Meaning: Unable to be challenged or denied
📝 Hindi: निर्विवाद
✍️ Example: Education’s role in shaping a nation’s future is indisputable.
(एक राष्ट्र के भविष्य को आकार देने में शिक्षा की भूमिका निर्विवाद है।)

6️⃣ Malevolence (noun)

🔊 Pronunciation: मैलेवलेंस
💡 Meaning: The desire to do evil to others; ill-will
📝 Hindi: दुष्टता
✍️ Example: Cutting education funding shows a level of malevolence towards underprivileged students.
(शिक्षा के वित्त पोषण में कटौती वंचित छात्रों के प्रति दुष्टता को दर्शाती है।)

7️⃣ Aspiration (noun)

🔊 Pronunciation: एस्पिरेशन
💡 Meaning: A strong desire to achieve something
📝 Hindi: आकांक्षा
✍️ Example: The aspiration to dismantle the Department of Education has long been a conservative goal.
(शिक्षा विभाग को समाप्त करने की आकांक्षा लंबे समय से एक रूढ़िवादी लक्ष्य रही है।)

8️⃣ Abrupt (adjective)

🔊 Pronunciation: अब्रप्ट
💡 Meaning: Sudden and unexpected
📝 Hindi: अचानक
✍️ Example: The abrupt termination of education officials created chaos.
(शिक्षा अधिकारियों की अचानक समाप्ति से अराजकता पैदा हो गई।)

9️⃣ Dismantle (verb)

🔊 Pronunciation: डिसमैन्टल
💡 Meaning: To take apart or destroy something in an orderly way
📝 Hindi: विघटित करना
✍️ Example: The government’s attempt to dismantle the education system faced strong opposition.
(सरकार के शिक्षा प्रणाली को विघटित करने के प्रयास का कड़ा विरोध हुआ।)

🔟 Hallmark (noun)

🔊 Pronunciation: हॉलमार्क
💡 Meaning: A distinguishing feature or characteristic
📝 Hindi: विशिष्टता
✍️ Example: Transparency should be the hallmark of any judicial investigation.
(पारदर्शिता किसी भी न्यायिक जांच की विशिष्टता होनी चाहिए।)

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) based on the vocabulary:

1️⃣ What does the word “Speculation” mean?

A) A confirmed fact
B) The forming of a theory without firm evidence
C) A legal judgment
D) A scientific formula

2️⃣ What is the meaning of “Efficacy”?

A) The ability to produce a desired result
B) The failure of a plan
C) The speed of an action
D) The lack of effort

3️⃣ Which of the following best defines “Insulation”?

A) A type of electrical current
B) The act of making something stronger
C) Protection from external influences
D) A process of government decision-making

4️⃣ A “Reckless” decision is one that is made…

A) After careful analysis
B) Without thinking about consequences
C) With full awareness of risks
D) To maximize safety

5️⃣ If something is “Indisputable,” it is…

A) Easy to argue against
B) Impossible to deny or challenge
C) Subject to debate
D) Based on false information

6️⃣ “Malevolence” refers to…

A) The ability to make logical arguments
B) A strong desire to do evil
C) A sense of kindness towards others
D) A lack of understanding

7️⃣ What does “Aspiration” mean?

A) A strong desire to achieve something
B) A complete lack of ambition
C) A temporary interest in an activity
D) An unplanned failure

8️⃣ “Abrupt” changes are usually…

A) Well-planned and gradual
B) Sudden and unexpected
C) Slowly implemented
D) Discussed in advance

9️⃣ What does “Dismantle” mean?

A) To carefully build something
B) To take apart or destroy something
C) To make something more complex
D) To protect and preserve something

🔟 The word “Hallmark” refers to…

A) A distinguishing feature
B) A secret plan
C) A lack of importance
D) A type of ancient writing


1️⃣ B) The forming of a theory without firm evidence
2️⃣ A) The ability to produce a desired result
3️⃣ C) Protection from external influences
4️⃣ B) Without thinking about consequences
5️⃣ B) Impossible to deny or challenge
6️⃣ B) A strong desire to do evil
7️⃣ A) A strong desire to achieve something
8️⃣ B) Sudden and unexpected
9️⃣ B) To take apart or destroy something
🔟 A) A distinguishing feature

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