Daily Editorial Vocabulary: 15 March 2025

Welcome to the Daily Editorial Vocabulary series! Here, we bring you carefully selected words from daily editorials that are essential for enhancing your vocabulary. Whether you’re preparing for UPSC, SSC, RRB, IBPS, SBI PO, RBI Grade B, CAT, MBA, NDA, CDS, or any other Indian government exams, mastering these words will help you excel in both the written and verbal sections of your exams. Stay ahead in your preparation by learning new words and improving your language skills every day!

1️⃣ Fervour (noun)

🔊 Pronunciation: फ़र्वर
💡 Meaning: Intense and passionate enthusiasm
📝 Hindi: जोश, उत्साह
✍️ Example: The protesters demonstrated with great fervour against the new policy.
(प्रदर्शनकारियों ने नई नीति के खिलाफ बड़े जोश के साथ प्रदर्शन किया।)

2️⃣ Mandate (noun)

🔊 Pronunciation: मैनडेट
💡 Meaning: An official order or commission to do something
📝 Hindi: आदेश, अधिकार
✍️ Example: The government issued a mandate requiring all citizens to register for the new ID.
(सरकार ने सभी नागरिकों के लिए नई आईडी के लिए पंजीकरण अनिवार्य करने का आदेश जारी किया।)

3️⃣ Fait accompli (noun)

🔊 Pronunciation: फेट अ-कॉम्प्ली
💡 Meaning: An accomplished fact that cannot be changed
📝 Hindi: पहले से ही निष्पादित कार्य
✍️ Example: The merger of the two companies was presented as a fait accompli to the employees.
(कर्मचारियों के सामने दोनों कंपनियों के विलय को पहले से निष्पादित कार्य के रूप में प्रस्तुत किया गया।)

4️⃣ Blatantly (adverb)

🔊 Pronunciation: ब्लेटन्टली
💡 Meaning: In an open and unashamed manner; obviously
📝 Hindi: खुलेआम, स्पष्ट रूप से
✍️ Example: The politician blatantly ignored the corruption charges against him.
(राजनेता ने अपने खिलाफ भ्रष्टाचार के आरोपों को खुलेआम नजरअंदाज कर दिया।)

5️⃣ Sabre-rattling (noun)

🔊 Pronunciation: सेबर-रैटलिंग
💡 Meaning: Threatening actions or statements intended to intimidate
📝 Hindi: शक्ति प्रदर्शन, डराने-धमकाने की कोशिश
✍️ Example: The country’s sabre-rattling alarmed its neighboring nations.
(देश के शक्ति प्रदर्शन से उसके पड़ोसी देशों में चिंता बढ़ गई।)

6️⃣ Rechristen (verb)

🔊 Pronunciation: री-क्रिसन
💡 Meaning: To rename something or someone
📝 Hindi: पुनः नामकरण करना
✍️ Example: The stadium was rechristened in honor of the famous athlete.
(स्टेडियम का नाम प्रसिद्ध खिलाड़ी के सम्मान में पुनः रखा गया।)

7️⃣ Alleging (verb)

🔊 Pronunciation: अलिजिंग
💡 Meaning: Claiming something without proof
📝 Hindi: आरोप लगाना
✍️ Example: The journalist is alleging that the minister accepted bribes.
(पत्रकार आरोप लगा रहा है कि मंत्री ने रिश्वत स्वीकार की।)

8️⃣ Underscore (verb)

🔊 Pronunciation: अंडरस्कोर
💡 Meaning: To emphasize or highlight something
📝 Hindi: ज़ोर देना, महत्व देना
✍️ Example: The report underscores the importance of data security.
(रिपोर्ट डेटा सुरक्षा के महत्व पर ज़ोर देती है।)

9️⃣ Consolidate (verb)

🔊 Pronunciation: कंसॉलिडेट
💡 Meaning: To strengthen or combine into a more effective whole
📝 Hindi: सुदृढ़ करना, एकीकृत करना
✍️ Example: The company aims to consolidate its position in the global market.
(कंपनी का लक्ष्य वैश्विक बाजार में अपनी स्थिति सुदृढ़ करना है।)

🔟 Disguised (adjective)

🔊 Pronunciation: डिस्गाइज़्ड
💡 Meaning: Concealed or hidden under a false appearance
📝 Hindi: छुपा हुआ, भेष बदला हुआ
✍️ Example: The spy entered the enemy’s base disguised as a soldier.
(जासूस सैनिक के रूप में भेष बदलकर दुश्मन के अड्डे में प्रवेश कर गया।)

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) based on the vocabulary:

1️⃣ What does the word “fervour” mean?

A) Lack of interest
B) Intense enthusiasm
C) Doubt and hesitation
D) Carelessness

2️⃣ Which of the following best describes “mandate”?

A) A casual suggestion
B) An official order or command
C) A personal opinion
D) A misunderstanding

3️⃣ The phrase “fait accompli” refers to:

A) A future possibility
B) An event that has already happened and cannot be changed
C) A decision that is open for discussion
D) A hypothetical situation

4️⃣ If someone acts “blatantly,” they are acting:

A) In a hidden manner
B) In an obvious and unashamed way
C) With great hesitation
D) With careful planning

5️⃣ What is the meaning of “sabre-rattling”?

A) A peaceful negotiation
B) The act of threatening or showing force
C) A financial investment
D) A sudden decision

6️⃣ To “rechristen” something means to:

A) Destroy it
B) Rename it
C) Make it famous
D) Forget about it

7️⃣ If a journalist is “alleging” corruption, what is he doing?

A) Proving corruption with strong evidence
B) Making a claim without concrete proof
C) Ignoring the issue completely
D) Supporting the accused party

8️⃣ The word “underscore” means to:

A) Reduce in importance
B) Emphasize or highlight something
C) Completely remove from discussion
D) Forget about an issue

9️⃣ Which of the following is the best meaning of “consolidate”?

A) To break into smaller parts
B) To combine or strengthen
C) To make less important
D) To delay progress

🔟 If someone is “disguised,” what have they done?

A) Revealed their true identity
B) Hidden their real appearance
C) Changed their decision
D) Given up on something


1️⃣ B) Intense enthusiasm
2️⃣ B) An official order or command
3️⃣ B) An event that has already happened and cannot be changed
4️⃣ B) In an obvious and unashamed way
5️⃣ B) The act of threatening or showing force
6️⃣ B) Rename it
7️⃣ B) Making a claim without concrete proof
8️⃣ B) Emphasize or highlight something
9️⃣ B) To combine or strengthen
🔟 B) Hidden their real appearance

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