Welcome to the Daily Editorial Vocabulary series! Here, we bring you carefully selected words from daily editorials that are essential for enhancing your vocabulary. Whether you’re preparing for UPSC, SSC, RRB, IBPS, SBI PO, RBI Grade B, CAT, MBA, NDA, CDS, or any other Indian government exams, mastering these words will help you excel in both the written and verbal sections of your exams. Stay ahead in your preparation by learning new words and improving your language skills every day!
1️⃣ Complicity (noun)
🔊 Pronunciation: कॅम्-प्लि-सि-टी
💡 Meaning: The state of being involved in wrongdoing or a harmful act
📝 Hindi: सहभागिता / मिलीभगत
✍️ Example: His complicity in the fraud led to legal consequences.
(धोखाधड़ी में उसकी मिलीभगत कानूनी परिणामों तक पहुंची।)
2️⃣ Reckoning (noun)
🔊 Pronunciation: रेक-निंग
💡 Meaning: A time when consequences must be faced or justice is served
📝 Hindi: हिसाब-किताब / न्याय
✍️ Example: The country is facing a reckoning over past injustices.
(देश को अपने पिछले अन्यायों का हिसाब देना पड़ रहा है।)
3️⃣ Misogyny (noun)
🔊 Pronunciation: मि-सॉ-जि-नी
💡 Meaning: Hatred, dislike, or prejudice against women
📝 Hindi: नारी द्वेष
✍️ Example: The book highlights how misogyny has influenced social structures.
(यह पुस्तक दर्शाती है कि कैसे नारी द्वेष ने सामाजिक ढांचे को प्रभावित किया है।)
4️⃣ Distortion (noun)
🔊 Pronunciation: डिस-टॉर-शन
💡 Meaning: A misrepresentation or alteration of reality
📝 Hindi: विकृति / तोड़-मरोड़
✍️ Example: The media’s distortion of facts led to widespread misinformation.
(मीडिया द्वारा तथ्यों की विकृति ने व्यापक रूप से गलत सूचना फैलाई।)
5️⃣ Marginalization (noun)
🔊 Pronunciation: मार-जि-ना-लाइ-ज़े-शन
💡 Meaning: The process of excluding a group from power or importance
📝 Hindi: हाशिए पर डालना
✍️ Example: The marginalization of women in leadership must be addressed.
(नेतृत्व में महिलाओं को हाशिए पर डालने की समस्या को सुलझाना चाहिए।)
6️⃣ Dismantling (noun/verb)
🔊 Pronunciation: डिस-मैन्-टलिंग
💡 Meaning: The act of breaking down or taking apart a system
📝 Hindi: ध्वस्त करना / नष्ट करना
✍️ Example: The activists are committed to the dismantling of oppressive structures.
(कार्यकर्ता दमनकारी संरचनाओं को ध्वस्त करने के लिए प्रतिबद्ध हैं।)
7️⃣ Sovereign (adjective)
🔊 Pronunciation: सॉ-व-रिन
💡 Meaning: Possessing supreme power and authority
📝 Hindi: संप्रभु / स्वतंत्र
✍️ Example: Every individual has the right to be sovereign over their own choices.
(प्रत्येक व्यक्ति को अपनी पसंद पर संप्रभुता का अधिकार होना चाहिए।)
8️⃣ Harbinger (noun)
🔊 Pronunciation: हार-बिं-जर
💡 Meaning: A sign or forerunner of something to come
📝 Hindi: अग्रदूत / पूर्व संकेत
✍️ Example: The economic downturn was a harbinger of the financial crisis.
(आर्थिक मंदी वित्तीय संकट का अग्रदूत थी।)
9️⃣ Annihilation (noun)
🔊 Pronunciation: अ-नाइ-ले-शन
💡 Meaning: Complete destruction or eradication
📝 Hindi: संपूर्ण विनाश
✍️ Example: The war led to the annihilation of several ancient civilizations.
(युद्ध ने कई प्राचीन सभ्यताओं के संपूर्ण विनाश को जन्म दिया।)
🔟 Equitably (adverb)
🔊 Pronunciation: एक्वि-ट-ब्ली
💡 Meaning: In a fair and just manner
📝 Hindi: निष्पक्ष रूप से
✍️ Example: Resources must be distributed equitably among all citizens.
(सभी नागरिकों के बीच संसाधनों का निष्पक्ष रूप से वितरण होना चाहिए।)
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) based on the vocabulary:
1️⃣ What does “Complicity” mean?
a) The act of being honest in all dealings
b) The state of being involved in wrongdoing
c) The process of making something stronger
d) The ability to predict future events
2️⃣ What is the meaning of “Reckoning”?
a) A moment of justice or consequence
b) A sudden increase in power
c) A feeling of intense happiness
d) A type of financial transaction
3️⃣ Which of the following best defines “Misogyny”?
a) A strong dislike or prejudice against women
b) The study of ancient civilizations
c) A method of peaceful negotiation
d) A legal system based on equality
4️⃣ “Distortion” refers to:
a) The act of accurately presenting facts
b) A misrepresentation or alteration of reality
c) A sudden improvement in conditions
d) The process of building something new
5️⃣ What does “Marginalization” mean?
a) Bringing people together to discuss an issue
b) Excluding a group from power or importance
c) Encouraging diverse perspectives
d) Implementing fair economic policies
6️⃣ “Dismantling” is the process of:
a) Strengthening an existing system
b) Breaking down or taking apart something
c) Expanding an organization
d) Repairing and improving old structures
7️⃣ A “Sovereign” nation is one that:
a) Relies on another country for support
b) Has supreme power and independence
c) Shares authority equally with all nations
d) Exists without any form of government
8️⃣ What is a “Harbinger”?
a) A sign or forerunner of something to come
b) A person who controls a large company
c) A type of law enforcement officer
d) A tool used for measuring time
9️⃣ The term “Annihilation” refers to:
a) Complete destruction or eradication
b) A peaceful agreement between two parties
c) A sudden increase in economic growth
d) The act of preserving historical artifacts
🔟 What does “Equitably” mean?
a) In a fair and just manner
b) In an aggressive and forceful way
c) In a careless and reckless manner
d) In a way that benefits only one side
1️⃣ b) The state of being involved in wrongdoing
2️⃣ a) A moment of justice or consequence
3️⃣ a) A strong dislike or prejudice against women
4️⃣ b) A misrepresentation or alteration of reality
5️⃣ b) Excluding a group from power or importance
6️⃣ b) Breaking down or taking apart something
7️⃣ b) Has supreme power and independence
8️⃣ a) A sign or forerunner of something to come
9️⃣ a) Complete destruction or eradication
🔟 a) In a fair and just manner