Daily Editorial Vocabulary: 28 February 2025

Welcome to the Daily Editorial Vocabulary series! Here, we bring you carefully selected words from daily editorials that are essential for enhancing your vocabulary. Whether you’re preparing for UPSC, SSC, RRB, IBPS, SBI PO, RBI Grade B, CAT, MBA, NDA, CDS, or any other Indian government exams, mastering these words will help you excel in both the written and verbal sections of your exams. Stay ahead in your preparation by learning new words and improving your language skills every day!

1️⃣ Delimitation (noun)
🔊 Pronunciation: डि-लिम-इ-टे-शन
💡 Meaning: The process of setting or redrawing boundaries, especially for electoral districts.
📝 Hindi: परिसीमन
✍️ Example: The upcoming delimitation exercise may alter parliamentary representation across states.
(आगामी परिसीमन अभ्यास विभिन्न राज्यों में संसदीय प्रतिनिधित्व को बदल सकता है।)

2️⃣ Parity (noun)
🔊 Pronunciation: पै-रि-टी
💡 Meaning: The state of being equal, especially in terms of status or amount.
📝 Hindi: समानता
✍️ Example: The Constitution ensured parity in representation to prevent population disparities from influencing governance.
(संविधान ने यह सुनिश्चित किया कि जनसंख्या असमानताओं के कारण शासन प्रभावित न हो।)

3️⃣ Proportionally (adverb)
🔊 Pronunciation: प्रो-पो-र्श-नल-ली
💡 Meaning: Corresponding in size, amount, or degree relative to something else.
📝 Hindi: आनुपातिक रूप से
✍️ Example: The seats in Parliament should be allocated proportionally to the population of each state.
(संसद में सीटों का आवंटन प्रत्येक राज्य की जनसंख्या के अनुसार आनुपातिक रूप से होना चाहिए।)

4️⃣ Expedite (verb)
🔊 Pronunciation: एक्स-पि-डाइट
💡 Meaning: To speed up the process or progress of something.
📝 Hindi: तेजी से पूरा करना
✍️ Example: The government must expedite the Census to avoid further delays in policy decisions.
(नीति निर्धारण में और देरी से बचने के लिए सरकार को जनगणना प्रक्रिया में तेजी लानी चाहिए।)

5️⃣ Pedestal (noun)
🔊 Pronunciation: पेड-एस-टल
💡 Meaning: A position of high status or admiration.
📝 Hindi: उच्च स्थान, प्रतिष्ठा
✍️ Example: A country aiming for global leadership must place accurate data collection on a high pedestal.
(जो देश वैश्विक नेतृत्व की ओर बढ़ रहा है, उसे सटीक डेटा संग्रह को उच्च प्राथमिकता देनी चाहिए।)

6️⃣ Constituents (noun)
🔊 Pronunciation: कन-स्टि-ट्यू-एंट्स
💡 Meaning: The people who are represented by an elected official; parts that make up a whole.
📝 Hindi: घटक, मतदाता
✍️ Example: The Prime Minister assured his constituents that their concerns about federal representation would be addressed.
(प्रधानमंत्री ने अपने मतदाताओं को आश्वस्त किया कि संघीय प्रतिनिधित्व से संबंधित उनकी चिंताओं का समाधान किया जाएगा।)

7️⃣ Ceasefire (noun)
🔊 Pronunciation: सीस-फायर
💡 Meaning: A temporary suspension of fighting, typically one that allows peace talks to take place.
📝 Hindi: युद्धविराम
✍️ Example: Both nations agreed to a ceasefire before negotiating the terms of the mineral deal.
(दोनों देशों ने खनिज समझौते की शर्तों पर बातचीत से पहले युद्धविराम पर सहमति व्यक्त की।)

8️⃣ Denouement (noun)
🔊 Pronunciation: डे-नू-मा
💡 Meaning: The final outcome or resolution of a complex situation or story.
📝 Hindi: समाधान, निष्कर्ष
✍️ Example: The denouement of the Ukraine crisis will depend on the geopolitical strategies of world powers.
(यूक्रेन संकट का समाधान वैश्विक शक्तियों की भू-राजनीतिक रणनीतियों पर निर्भर करेगा।)

9️⃣ Bilateral (adjective)
🔊 Pronunciation: बाइ-लै-टर-ल
💡 Meaning: Involving two parties, typically countries or governments.
📝 Hindi: द्विपक्षीय
✍️ Example: The two nations signed a bilateral agreement for the extraction of rare earth minerals.
(दोनों देशों ने दुर्लभ खनिजों के निष्कर्षण के लिए एक द्विपक्षीय समझौते पर हस्ताक्षर किए।)

🔟 Neo-colonial (adjective)
🔊 Pronunciation: नी-ओ-को-लो-नी-अल
💡 Meaning: Relating to the use of economic, political, or cultural pressures by a powerful country to control or influence less powerful countries.
📝 Hindi: नव-औपनिवेशिक
✍️ Example: Critics argue that the mineral extraction deal reflects a neo-colonial approach by world powers.
(आलोचकों का तर्क है कि खनिज निष्कर्षण समझौता विश्व शक्तियों के नव-औपनिवेशिक दृष्टिकोण को दर्शाता है।)

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) based on the vocabulary:

1️⃣ Bonhomie (noun) refers to:

a) A state of confusion
b) A friendly and cheerful atmosphere
c) A serious conflict
d) A legal agreement

2️⃣ Parity (noun) means:

a) A difference in status
b) A state of being equal
c) A temporary solution
d) A financial crisis

3️⃣ Deluge (noun) refers to:

a) A mild drizzle
b) A severe flood or overwhelming rush of something
c) A controlled water flow
d) A dry spell

4️⃣ Expedite (verb) means:

a) To delay a process
b) To make something happen faster
c) To avoid responsibility
d) To reject an idea

5️⃣ Pro-rata (adjective/adverb) is used to describe:

a) Something divided proportionally
b) A random selection process
c) A sudden increase
d) A biased distribution

6️⃣ Constituency (noun) refers to:

a) A group of voters in a specific area
b) A national policy
c) A type of taxation
d) A government office

7️⃣ Bilateral (adjective) means:

a) Involving two sides or parties
b) Limited to one group
c) Affecting multiple countries
d) A unilateral decision

8️⃣ Denouement (noun) refers to:

a) The climax of a story
b) The final outcome or resolution of a situation
c) The start of a conflict
d) A political dispute

9️⃣ Neo-colonial (adjective) means:

a) A country’s complete independence
b) A modern approach to trade
c) Control over other nations through economic or political means
d) A historical event with no modern impact

🔟 Geopolitical (adjective) refers to:

a) Related to politics, geography, and global relations
b) A small regional issue
c) A cultural phenomenon
d) A scientific experiment


1️⃣ b
2️⃣ b
3️⃣ b
4️⃣ b
5️⃣ a
6️⃣ a
7️⃣ a
8️⃣ b
9️⃣ c
🔟 a

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