The book ‘General Knowledge for all – 2020’ has been developed keeping in mind the requirements of school & college students and the aspirants of various competitive exams organised by UPSC, SSC, Banks, RBI, Railway, LIC, GIC, B.Ed, JBT/NTT, Army etc., and all other entrance and recruitment exams organised by various educational institutions and other establishments. As General Knowledge plays an important role in achieving success in almost every competitive examination, The main aim of the book is to present this vast subject in a concise, systematic and reader-friendly manner to make the aspirants grasp its various topics easily and quickly. The book offers a Rainbow of information on various subjects & topics in all major areas of study. There is subject wise General information on history, Geography, Polity, defense, economy, General Science, sports, Awards & Honors, and many other important subjects. The book will definitely prove to be a boon to all inquisitive students, exam-aspirants, and other readers in improving and enhancing their general knowledge and will immensely help them perform better in their respective exams and competitions. Download Book Pdf for Free from the given link below:
General Knowledge for All - 2020 Pdf Download Click Here
Content of the book is given below:
- Our India
- National Symbols
- The Universe
- United Nations Organization
- Defence
- Transport
- Indian Constitution and Polity
- Planning in India
- General Science
- Space Research
- Indian History
- Important Dates of Indian History
- World History
- World Geography
- First In India
- Cultural Activities
- Abbreviations
- Awards
- Sports