SBI Clerk Admit Card 2018
SBI Clerk Prelims Admit Card
State Bank of India (SBI) has released SBI Clerk Admit Card for 2018 Prelims Exam. SBI will be organizing SBI Clerk 2018 prelims exam for the post of Clerical Cadre shortly. The SBI Clerk Prelims Exam is scheduled on 23rd, 24th, and 30th of June 2018.
Important Dates
Commencement of SBI Clerk Call letter Download: 06 - 06 - 2018
Closure of SBI Clerk Call letter Download: 30 - 06 - 2018
Admit Card will be released separately for Preliminary and Mains Examination for SBI CLERK. Candidates are required to download their admit card from the official website of State Bank of India for SBI Clerk 2018, the link to which will be given on this page after
SBI Clerk Admit Card has been released.
To download his/her SBI Clerk Admit Card 2018, a candidate must have:
- Username/Registration Number
- Password/Date of Birth
By filling in these two requisites candidate will be directed to the admit card page. A candidate is required to download his/her admit card, take a print out of the same and present it at the venue of examination as a proof for his/her eligibility for the examination.
State Bank of India will not be conducting Interviews for the post of Junior Associates through SBI Clerk 2018. Selection Process will be based solely on the marks obtained by candidates in Prelims and Mains Exam.
Candidates are requested to visit the page regularly in order to remain updated about the upcoming details and dates of SBI Clerk Admit Card for Preliminary Exam.