Question 1.Select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives. दिये गये विकल्पों में से संबन्धित शब्द/अक्षरों/संख्या को चुनिए। Head : Human Body :: ? सिर : मानव शरीर: : ? |
Options: 1) Arc : Circle वृत्तांश : वृत्त 2) Cube : Circle घन : वृत्त 3) Square : Circle वर्ग : वृत्त 4) Triangle : Circle त्रिभुज : वृत्त |
Correct Answer: Arc : Circle वृत्तांश : वृत्त |
Question 2.Select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives. दिये गये विकल्पों में से संबन्धित शब्द/अक्षरों/संख्या को चुनिए। PZQW : NXOU :: FISK : ? |
Options: 1) EFPJ 2) FERI 3) DGQI 4) HKVM |
Correct Answer: DGQI |
Question 3.Select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives. दिये गये विकल्पों में से संबन्धित शब्द/अक्षरों/संख्या को चुनिए। 7 : 19 :: 10 : ? |
Options: 1) 25 2) 30 3) 21 4) 23 |
Correct Answer: 25 |
Question 4. For the following questions Find the odd word/letters/number pair from the given alternatives. इस प्रश्न में दिए गए विकल्पों में से विषम शब्द /अक्षर/ संख्या युग्म चुनिए । |
Options: 1) Bigger 2) Faster 3) Greater 4) Taller |
Correct Answer: Faster |
Question 5. For the following questions Find the odd word/letters/number pair from the given alternatives. इस प्रश्न में दिए गए विकल्पों में से विषम शब्द /अक्षर/ संख्या युग्म चुनिए । |
Options: 1) AEIM 2) BFJN 3) CGKO 4) FDKN |
Correct Answer: FDKN |
Question 6. For the following questions Find the odd word/letters/number pair from the given alternatives. इस प्रश्न में दिए गए विकल्पों में से विषम शब्द /अक्षर/ संख्या युग्म चुनिए । |
Options: 1) 140 → 45 2) 110 → 35 3) 100 → 30 4) 80 → 25 |
Correct Answer: 100 → 30 |
Question 7.Arrange the following words as per order in the dictionary निम्नलिखित शब्दों को शब्दकोश में दिए गए क्रम के अनुसार लिखिए । 1. Forest 2. Fascinating 3. Fantastic 4. Fabulous |
Options: 1) 2, 4, 3, 1 2) 4, 2, 3, 1 3) 4, 3, 2, 1 4) 2, 3, 4, 1 |
Correct Answer: 4, 3, 2, 1 |
Question 8.Which one set of letters when sequentially placed at the gaps in the given letter series shall complete it ? अक्षरों का कौन-सा समूह खाली स्थानों पर क्रमवार रखने से दी गई अक्षर श्रृंखला को पूरा करता है ? a_ ca_c_dc_d_ad_ |
Options: 1) ddacdc 2) daadca 3) dadaac 4) ddaacc |
Correct Answer: ddaacc |
Question 9.Which number comes next in the series? श्रृंखला में अगला नम्बर क्या आयेगा ? 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7, ? |
Options: 1) 6 2) 5 3) 4 4) 3 |
Correct Answer: 4 |
Question 10.P and Q are sisters. R and S are brothers. P's daughter is R's sister. What is Q's relation to S? P और Q बहनें हैं। R और S भाई हैं। P, की लड़की R की बहन है। तो फिर Q का S से क्या सम्बन्ध है ? |
Options: 1) Mother माता 2) Grandmother दादी 3) Sister बहन 4) Aunt चाची/बुआ |
Correct Answer: Aunt चाची/बुआ |
Question 11.A man was 32 years of age when he had his first son. His wife was 35 years of age when his son attained the age of 7 years. The difference between the age of the father and the mother is _____ . एक आदमी की आयु 32 वर्ष थी जब उसके पहले बेटे का जन्म हुआ। जब उसका बेटा 7 वर्ष का था, उसकी पत्नी की आयु 35 वर्ष थी तो माता और पिता की आयु में अन्तर बताइए ? |
Options: 1) 7 years 7 वर्ष 2) 3 years 3 वर्ष 3) 5 years 5 वर्ष 4) 4 years 4 वर्ष |
Correct Answer: 4 years 4 वर्ष |
Question 12.From the given alternative words, select the word which cannot be formed using the letters of the given word: निम्नलिखित विकल्पों में से वह शब्द चुनिए जो दिए गए शब्द के अक्षरों के प्रयोग से नहीं बनाया जा सकता । ANNOUNCEMENTS |
Options: 1) CEMENT 2) NOUN 3) COUNTER 4) TENSE |
Correct Answer: COUNTER |
Question 13.If RATION is written as OXQFLK then LUMBER may be written as _____ . अगर RATION को OXQFLK लिखा जा सकता है तो उस कोड में LUMBER को क्या लिखेंगे ? |
Options: 1) KTLADQ 2) ITJABQ 3) OXPEHU 4) IRJYBO |
Correct Answer: IRJYBO |
Question 14.A*B means multiply A by B; A@B means divide A by B, A?B means add B to A and A=B means subtract B from A. Then find the value of 10*10 = 5*10 ? 50@10 A*B का अर्थ गुणा, @ का अर्थ भाग, ? का अर्थ योग, A=B का अर्थ A - B है तो 10*10= 5*10 ? 50@10 का मान ज्ञात करें ? |
Options: 1) 100 2) 45 3) 1000 4) 55 |
Correct Answer: 55 |
Question 15.If 37*14 = 17, 69*33 = 34, 91*125 = 72 then what should 28*56 = ? यदि 37*14 = 17, 69*33 = 34, 91*125 = 72 हो, तो 28*56 = ? |
Options: 1) 26 2) 42 3) 34 4) 28 |
Correct Answer: 28 |
Question 16.Select the missing numbers from the given responses लुप्त संख्या ज्ञात कीजिए I ![]() |
Options: 1) 110 2) 120 3) 130 4) 140 |
Correct Answer: 130 |
Question 17. P started walking from North to South. She turned right at right angle and then again right at right angle. In which direction was she ultimately walking? P ने उत्तर दिशा से दक्षिण की ओर यात्रा शुरु की। वह समकोण पर दाहिने घूमी और फिर दोबारा समकोण पर दाहिने घूमी। अन्त में वह कौन सी दिशा में चल रही थी ? |
Options: 1) North उत्तर 2) East पूर्व 3) South दक्षिण 4) West पश्चिम |
Correct Answer: North उत्तर |
Question 18.Consider the given statement/s to be true and decide which of the given conclusions/assumptions can definitely be drawn from the given statement. Statement: All states having dams face no water problem. One of the states has no dam. Conclusions: I. It may be facing water problem. II. Dams solve water problem. निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में एक या दो वक्तव्य दिये गये है, जिसके आगे दो निष्कर्ष/मान्यताएं, I और II निकाले गये हैं। आपको विचार करना है कि वक्तव्य सत्य है चाहे वह सामान्यतः शर्त तथ्यों से भिन्न प्रतीत होता हो। आपको निर्णय करना है कि दिए गए वक्तव्य में से कोन-सा निश्चित रूप से सही निष्कर्ष/मान्यता निकाला जा सकता है ? कथन : जिन राज्यों में बांध है, उन्हें पानी की समस्या का सामना नहीं करना पड़ता । एक राज्य के पास कोई बांध नहीं है। निष्कर्ष : I. इसे पानी की समस्या का सामना करना पड़ सकता है । II. बांध पानी की समस्या का समाधान करते हैं। |
Options: 1) Only conclusion I follows केवल I निष्कर्ष सही है। 2) Only conclusion II follows केवल II निष्कर्ष सही है I 3) Both conclusion I and conclusion II follow I और II दोनों निष्कर्ष सही हैं। 4) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows ना तो Iऔर ना ही II निष्कर्ष सही है। |
Correct Answer: Both conclusion I and conclusion II follow I और II दोनों निष्कर्ष सही हैं। |
Question 19.How many triangles are there in this figure? इस चित्र में कितने त्रिभुज हैं ? ![]() |
Options: 1) 10 2) 12 3) 14 4) 16 |
Correct Answer: 14 |
Question 20.Which of the answer figures illustrate the relationship between: कौन सा उत्तर इन शब्दों के बीच सही सम्बन्ध को दर्शाता है ? Delhi, Sri Lanka, Asia |
Options: 1) ![]() 2) ![]() 3) ![]() 4) ![]() |
Correct Answer:![]() |
Question 21.Which answer figure will complete the pattern in the question figure? इस प्रश्न में कौन सी उत्तर आकृति प्रश्न आकृति के प्रतिरुप को पूरा करती है ? ![]() |
Options: 1) ![]() 2) ![]() 3) ![]() 4) ![]() |
Correct Answer:![]() |
Question 22.From the given answer figures, select the one in which the question figure is hidden/embedded दी गई उत्तर आकृतियों में से उसे चुनिए जिसमें प्रश्न आकर्ति निहित है ? ![]() |
Options: 1) ![]() 2) ![]() 3) ![]() 4) ![]() |
Correct Answer:![]() |
Question 23.A piece of paper is folded and cut as shown below in the question figures. From the given answer figures, indicate how it will appear when opened. अगर किसी कागज को नीचे दिए प्रश्न के अनुसार मोड़कर काटा जाए तो खोलने के बाद वह किस उत्तर आकृति जैसा दिखाई देगा ? ![]() |
Options: 1) ![]() 2) ![]() 3) ![]() 4) ![]() |
Correct Answer:![]() |
Question 24.If a mirror is placed on the line MN, then which of the answer figures is the right image of the given figure? इस प्रश्न में यदि एक दर्पण को MN रेखा पर रखा जाये, तो दी गई उत्तर आकृतियों में से कौन-सी आकृति प्रश्न आकृति का सही प्रतिबिम्ब होगी ? ![]() |
Options: 1) ![]() 2) ![]() 3) ![]() 4) ![]() |
Correct Answer:![]() |
Question 25.In the question, a word is represented by only one set of numbers as given in any one of the alternatives. The sets of numbers given in the alternatives are represented by two classes of alphabets as in two matrices given below. The columns and rows of Matrix I are numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix II are numbered from 5 to 9. A letter from these matrices can be represented first by its row and next by its column, e.g., 'A' can be represented by 03, 55, etc., and 'P' can be represented by 10, 99, etc. Similarly you have to identify the set for the word 'VENU' निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में विकल्पों में दिए गए संख्या-समूह, अक्षरों के दो वर्गों द्वारा दर्शाए गए हैं, जैसे कि नीचे दिए गए दो आव्यूहों में हैं। आव्यूह I के स्तम्भ और पंक्ति की संख्या 0 से 4 तक दी गई है, और आव्यूह II के 5 से 9 तक, इन आव्यूहों से एक अक्षर को पहले उसकी पंक्ति और बाद में स्तम्भ संख्या द्वारा दर्शाया जा सकता है। उदाहरण के लिए, A को 03, 55 आदि द्वारा दर्शाया जा सकता है तथा P को 10,99, आदि द्वारा दर्शाया जा सकता है। इसी तरह से आपको दिए 'VENU' के लिए समूह को पहचानना है। ![]() |
Options: 1) 69, 87, 32, 41 2) 85, 02, 20, 57 3) 11, 95, 89, 57 4) 69, 95, 22, 04 |
Correct Answer: 85, 02, 20, 57 |
Question 26.What is the phenomenon which established the transverse nature of light ? जिस प्रघटना ने प्रकाश के अनुप्रस्थ स्वरुप को स्थापित किया वह प्रघटना क्या है ? |
Options: 1) Reflection परावर्तन 2) Interference व्यतिकरण 3) Diffraction विवर्तन 4) Polarisation ध्रुवीकरण |
Correct Answer: Polarisation ध्रुवीकरण |
Question 27.What is the name of a memory buffer used to accommodate a speed differential ? गति भेद को समायोजित करने के लिए प्रयुक्त मेमोरी बफर को क्या कहते है ? |
Options: 1) Cache कैच 2) Stack Pointer स्टेक प्वांइटर 3) Accumulator एक्यूम्यूलेटर 4) DISC डिस्क |
Correct Answer: Cache कैच |
Question 28.What is contained in Chlorophyll ? क्लोरोफिल में क्या होता है ? |
Options: 1) sodium सोडियम 2) potassium पोटेशियम 3) manganese मैंगनीज 4) magnesium मैगनीशियम |
Correct Answer: magnesium मैगनीशियम |
Question 29.Epigraphy is the study of which of the following ? पुरालेख शास्त्र किसका अध्ययन है ? |
Options: 1) Coins सिक्के 2) Inscriptions शिलालेख 3) Temples मंदिर 4) Birds पक्षी |
Correct Answer: Inscriptions शिलालेख |
Question 30.Who won the Women's Singles Wimbledon Championship 2016 ? महिला एकल विम्बलडन चेम्पियनशिप, 2016 किसने जीती थी ? |
Options: 1) Angilique Kuber एंजिलिक कुबेर 2) Serena Williams सेरेना विलियम्स 3) Venus Williams वीनस विलियम्स 4) Steffi Graff स्टेफी ग्राफ |
Correct Answer: Serena Williams सेरेना विलियम्स |
Question 31.In which field is B.C. Roy Award given ? बी. सी. रॉय पुरस्कार किस क्षेत्र में दिया जाता है । |
Options: 1) Music संगीत 2) Journalism पत्रकारिता 3) Medicine चिकित्सा 4) Environment पर्यावरण |
Correct Answer: Medicine चिकित्सा |
Question 32.What is Damodar Valley Corporation ? दामोदर वैली कॉरपोरोशन क्या है ? |
Options: 1) Statutory body सांविधिक निकाय 2) Municipal Corporation looking after Damodar Valley दामोदर घाटी की देखभाल करने वाला नगर निगम 3) A private enterprise located in Bihar बिहार मे स्थित निजी उद्यम 4) A non government organisation गैर सरकारी संगठन |
Correct Answer: Statutory body सांविधिक निकाय |
Question 33.Which is the highest gallantry Award in India? भारत में सर्वोच्च वीरता पुरस्कार कौनसा है ? |
Options: 1) Vir Chakra वीर चक्र 2) Param Vishist Seva Medal परम विशिष्ट सेवा पदक 3) Kirti Chakra कीर्ति चक्र 4) Param Vir Chakra परम वीर चक्र |
Correct Answer: Param Vir Chakra परम वीर चक्र |
Question 34.Who was recently appointed as the first woman president of Nepal? नेपाल में हाल ही में किसे प्रथम महिला राष्ट्रपति नियुक्त किया गया ? |
Options: 1) Sita Subedi सीता सुबेदी 2) Pampha Bhusal पम्फा भुसाल 3) Urmila Rana उर्मिला राणा 4) Bidhya Devi Bhandari विद्या देवी भंडारी |
Correct Answer: Bidhya Devi Bhandari विद्या देवी भंडारी |
Question 35.In which field is Pulitzer Prize awarded for outstanding work ? पुलित्जर पुरस्कार किस क्षेत्र मे असाधारण कार्य करने के लिए दिया जाता है ? |
Options: 1) Environment study पर्यावरण अध्ययन 2) Science and Technology विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिकी 3) Literature and Journalism साहित्य एवं पत्रकारिता 4) International Understanding अंतर्राष्ट्रीय समझ |
Correct Answer: Literature and Journalism साहित्य एवं पत्रकारिता |
Question 36.Why is Carbon Monoxide a pollutant ? कार्बन मोनोक्साइड प्रदूषक क्यों है ? |
Options: 1) Reacts with haemoglobin यह हीमोग्लोबिन के साथ अभिक्रिया करता है। 2) Makes nervous system inactive यह तंत्रिका तंत्र को निष्क्रिय बना देता है। 3) It reacts with Oxygen यह ऑक्सीजन के साथ अभिक्रिया करता है। 4) It inhibits glycolysis यह ग्लाइकोसिस को रोकता है। |
Correct Answer: Reacts with haemoglobin यह हीमोग्लोबिन के साथ अभिक्रिया करता है। |
Question 37.Why is Rann Of Kutch of India famous for ? भारत के कच्छ का रण किसलिए प्रसिद्ध है। |
Options: 1) Tidal and flats ज्वारीय मिट्टी के मैदान 2) Fertile soil उपजाऊ मृदा 3) Dense Vegetation घनी वनस्पति 4) All are correct सभी सही है |
Correct Answer: Tidal and flats ज्वारीय मिट्टी के मैदान |
Question 38.Commercial banks lend to which of the following Priority sectors? वाणिज्य बैंक निम्नलिखित में से किस प्राथमिकता क्षेत्र को ऋण देते हैं ? |
Options: 1) Heavy Industries भारी उद्योग 2) Agriculture, Small scale industries कृषि, लघु उद्योग और कमज़ोर तबके के लिए 3) Foreign Companies विदेशी कंपनियों 4) State government in emergency situation आपात स्थिति में राज्य सरकार |
Correct Answer: Agriculture, Small scale industries कृषि, लघु उद्योग और कमज़ोर तबके के लिए |
Question 39.What is the accounting year of the Reserve Bank of India ? भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक का लेखा वर्ष क्या है ? |
Options: 1) April-March अप्रैल-मार्च 2) July-June जुलाई-जून 3) October-September अक्टूबर-सितंबर 4) January-December जनवरी-दिसम्बर |
Correct Answer: July-June जुलाई-जून |
Question 40.What is the position of the Earth when it is at the greatest distance from the sun ? पृथ्वी जिस समय सूर्य से सबसे अधिक दूरी पर होती है उस समय उसकी स्थिति क्या होती है ? |
Options: 1) Aphelion एफेलियन 2) Antipode एंटीपोड 3) Perihelion पेरिहेलियन 4) Aldiatc एल्डिएट |
Correct Answer: Aphelion एफेलियन |
Question 41.The biogas used for cooking is a mixture of which of the following ? खाना बनाने के लिए प्रयुक्त बॉयोगैस किसका मिश्रण है ? |
Options: 1) Carbon dioxide & oxygen कार्बन डाइ-ऑक्साइड एवं ऑक्सीजन 2) Isobutane & propane आइसोब्यूटेन एवं प्रोपेन 3) Methane & carbon monoxide मीथेन एवं कार्बन मोनोऑक्साइड 4) Methane & carbon dioxide मीथेन एवं कार्बन डाई-ऑक्साइड |
Correct Answer: Methane & carbon dioxide मीथेन एवं कार्बन डाई-ऑक्साइड |
Question 42.From the following, who was the first women speaker of Lok Sabha? निम्नलिखित में से लोकसभा की प्रथम महिला अध्यक्ष का नाम बताइए ? |
Options: 1) Sushma Swaraj सुषमा स्वराज 2) Margret Alva मारग्रेट अल्वा 3) Meera Kumar मीरा कुमार 4) Sarojini Naidu सरोजनी नायडू |
Correct Answer: Meera Kumar मीरा कुमार |
Question 43.Which of the following wind is blowing from the Mediterranean sea to the North Western parts of India? निम्नलिखित में से कौनसी हवाएं भूमध्यसागर से भारत के उत्तर - पश्चिमी भाग की ओर चलती है ? |
Options: 1) Western disturbances पश्चिमी विक्षोभ 2) Norwesters नार्वेस्टर 3) Loo लू 4) Mango showers मैंगो शावर |
Correct Answer: Western disturbances पश्चिमी विक्षोभ |
Question 44.Azolla increases soil fertility for …. एजोला ........ के लिए मृदा उर्वरता को बढ़ाता है |
Options: 1) maize cultivation मक्का की खेती 2) wheat cultivation गेहूं की खेती 3) barley cultivation जौ की खेती 4) rice cultivation चावल की खेती |
Correct Answer: rice cultivation चावल की खेती |
Question 45.Which of the following is not provided in the constitution ? संविधान में निम्नलिखित में से किसके बारे में उपबंध नहीं है ? |
Options: 1) Election Commission निर्वाचन आयोग 2) Finance Commission वित्त आयोग 3) Public Service Commission लोक सेवा आयोग 4) Planning Commission योजना आयोग |
Correct Answer: Planning Commission योजना आयोग |
Question 46.What is the popular name of Monolithic rock shrines at Mahabalipuram ? महाबलीपुरम स्थित एकाश्मीय शैल मन्दिरों का प्रसिद्ध नाम क्या है ? |
Options: 1) Rathas रथ 2) Prasadas प्रसाद 3) Mathika मठिका 4) Gandhakuti गंधकुटी |
Correct Answer: Rathas रथ |
Question 47.What is the name of the device used to convert alternating current into direct current ? प्रत्यावर्ती धारा (AC ) को दिष्ट धारा (DC ) में बदलने के लिए किस युक्ति का प्रयोग किया जाता है ? |
Options: 1) Ammeter ऐमीटर 2) Galvanometer गैल्वेनोमीटर 3) Rectifier रेक्टिफायर 4) Transformer ट्रांसफॉर्मर |
Correct Answer: Rectifier रेक्टिफायर |
Question 48.Why does ice covered in sawdust not melt quickly? बुरादे से ढ़की हुई बर्फ जल्दी से क्यों नहीं पिघलती ? |
Options: 1) Sawdust does not allow the air to touch the ice बुरादा हवा को बर्फ तक नहीं जाने देता। 2) The water is absorbed by sawdust बुरादा पानी को सोख लेता है । 3) Sawdust is a bad conductor of heat बुरादा उष्मा का कुचालक है। 4) Sawdust is good conductor of heat बुरादा उष्मा का सुचालक है। |
Correct Answer: Sawdust is a bad conductor of heat बुरादा उष्मा का कुचालक है। |
Question 49.Which layer of the earth's atmosphere contains the ozone layer? पृथ्वी के वायुमंडल की किस परत में ओज़ोन की परत होती है ? |
Options: 1) Troposphere क्षोभमंडल 2) Mesosphere मध्य मंडल 3) Ionosphere आयन मंडल 4) Stratosphere समताप मंडल |
Correct Answer: Stratosphere समताप मंडल |
Question 50.Where is the Great Barrier Reef located ? ग्रेट बैरियर रीफ कहाँ स्थित है ? |
Options: 1) Pacific Ocean प्रशांत महासागर 2) Indian Ocean हिंद महासागर 3) Atlantic Ocean अटलांटिक महासागर 4) Arctic Ocean आर्कटिक महासागर |
Correct Answer: Pacific Ocean प्रशांत महासागर |
Question 51.The sum of three consecutive natural numbers each divisible by 5, is 225. The largest among them is 5 से विभाज्य तीन क्रमागत प्राकृत संख्याओं का योग 225 है। उनमें सबसे बड़ी संख्या कौन-सी है ? |
Options: 1) 85 2) 75 3) 70 4) 80 |
Correct Answer: 80 |
Question 52.A can do a piece of work in 18 days. He worked at it for 12 days and B finished the remaining work in 8 days. B alone can do the whole work in A किसी काम को 18 दिन में कर सकता है। उसने 12 दिन काम किया और शेष काम B ने 8 दिन में पूरा किया। B अकेले पूरे काम को कितने दिन में पूरा कर सकता था ? |
Options: 1) 16 days 16 दिन 2) 24 days 24 दिन 3) 28 days 28 दिन 4) 29 days 29 दिन |
Correct Answer: 24 days 24 दिन |
Question 53.The list price of an article is Rs. 900. It is available at two successive discounts of 20% and 10% . The selling price of the article is: एक वस्तु का अंकित मूल्य Rs. 900 है| यह 20% और 10% के दो क्रमागत छूटों के साथ मिलती है। वस्तु का विक्रय मूल्य है ? |
Options: 1) Rs. 640 2) Rs. 648 3) Rs. 540 4) Rs. 548 |
Correct Answer: Rs. 648 |
Question 54.A man spends a part of his monthly income and saves the rest. The ratio of his expenditure to the saving is 61 : 6. If his monthly income is Rs.8710, the amount of his monthly savings is एक व्यक्ति अपनी मासिक आय का कुछ भाग खर्च करता है और बाकी की बचत करता है। उसके व्यय और बचत का अनुपात 61:6 है। यदि उसकी मासिक आय Rs.8710 हो, तो उसकी मासिक बचत की राशि कितनी है ? |
Options: 1) Rs.870 2) Rs.690 3) Rs.980 4) Rs.780 |
Correct Answer: Rs.780 |
Question 55.An article was sold at Rs. 950 allowing 5% discount on the marked price. The marked price of the article is एक वस्तु अंकित मूल्य पर 5% की छूट देकर Rs. 950 की है। वस्तु का अंकित मूल्य क्या है ? |
Options: 1) Rs. 960 2) Rs. 1000 3) Rs. 955 4) Rs. 945 |
Correct Answer: Rs. 1000 |
Question 56.A person loses 75% of his money in the first bet, 75% of the remaining in the second and 75% of the remaining in the third bet and returns home with Rs. 2 only. His initial money was एक व्यक्ति अपनी 75% राशि पहली बाजी में, शेष की 75% दूसरी बाजी में ओर शेष की 75% तीसरी बाजी में हार गया और केवल Rs. 2 लेकर अपने घर पहुँचा। उसकी प्रारम्भिक राशि कितनी थी ? |
Options: 1) Rs. 64 2) Rs. 128 3) Rs. 256 4) Rs. 512 |
Correct Answer: Rs. 128 |
Question 57.The time taken by a train 160 m long, running at 72 km/hr, in crossing an electric pole is 72 कि.मी./घंटे की गति से चलने वाली 160 मी. लम्बी ट्रेन को एक विघुत खम्भे को पार करने में कितना समय लगता है ? |
Options: 1) 8 sec 8 सेकण्ड़ 2) 9 sec 9 सेकण्ड़ 3) 6 sec 6 सेकण्ड़ 4) 4 sec 4 सेकण्ड़ |
Correct Answer: 8 sec 8 सेकण्ड़ |
Question 58.![]() ![]() |
Options: 1) 140 2) 142 3) 144 4) 146 |
Correct Answer: 142 |
Question 59.If a = 2 , b = -3 then the value of 27 a3 - 54a2b + 36 ab2 - 8b3 is यदि a = 2 , b = -3 हो तो 27 a3 - 54a2b + 36 ab2 - 8b3 का मान क्या होगा ? |
Options: 1) 1562 2) 1616 3) 1676 4) 1728 |
Correct Answer: 1728 |
Question 60.Possible length of the three sides of a triangle are :- एक त्रिभुज की तीन भुजाओं की संभावित लम्बाई क्या होगी ? |
Options: 1) 2 cm , 3 cm , 6 cm 2 से.मी., 3 से.मी., 6 से.मी. 2) 3 cm , 4 cm , 5 cm 3 से.मी., 4 से.मी., 5 से.मी. 3) 2.5 cm , 3.5 cm , 6 cm 2.5 से.मी., 3.5 से.मी., 6 से.मी. 4) 4 cm , 4 cm , 9 cm 4 से.मी., 4 से.मी., 9 से.मी. |
Correct Answer: 3 cm , 4 cm , 5 cm 3 से.मी., 4 से.मी., 5 से.मी. |
Question 61.AD is the Median of Δ ABC. If O is the centroid and AO = 10 cm then OD is AD एक Δ ABC का माध्यक है। यदि O केन्द्रक हो और AO = 10 से.मी. हो तो OD की लम्बाई क्या होगी ? |
Options: 1) 5 cm 5 से.मी 2) 20 cm 20 से.मी 3) 10 cm 10 से.मी 4) 30 cm 30 से.मी |
Correct Answer: 5 cm 5 से.मी |
Question 62.If in a triangle ABC, Sin A = Cos B then the value of Cos C is यदि एक त्रिभुज ABC में Sin A = Cos B हो तोCos C का मान कितना है ? |
Options: 1) ![]() 2) 0 3) 1 4) ![]() |
Correct Answer: 0 |
Question 63.Incentre of Δ ABC is I. ∠ABC = 90° and ∠ACB = 70°. ∠AIC is Δ ABC का अंतकेन्द्र I है तथा ∠ABC = 90° और ∠ACB = 70° हो तो ∠AIC कितना है ? |
Options: 1) 115° 2) 100° 3) 110° 4) 105° |
Correct Answer: 110° |
Question 64.The length of the two adjacent sides of a rectangle inscribed in a circle are 5 cm and 12 cm respectively. Then the radius of the circle will be एक वृत्त में बने आयत की आसन्न भुजाऍं क्रमश: 5 से.मी. और 12 से.मी. लम्बी है, तो वृत्त की त्रिज्या कितनी लम्बी होगी ? |
Options: 1) 6 cm 6 से.मी. 2) 6 . 5 cm 6 . 5 से.मी. 3) 8 cm 8 से.मी. 4) 8 .5 cm 8 .5 से.मी. |
Correct Answer: 6 . 5 cm 6 . 5 से.मी. |
Question 65.If sinθ x cosθ = ½ . The value of sinθ - cosθ is where 0°< θ< 90° यदि sinθ x cosθ = ½ हो तो sinθ - cosθ का मान क्या होगा जहॉ 0°<θ< 90° |
Options: 1) 0 2) √2 3) 2 4) 1 |
Correct Answer: 0 |
Question 66.The mean of 100 observations was calculated as 40. It was found later on that one of the observations was misread as 83 instead of 53. The correct mean is: 100 प्रेक्षणों का माध्य 40 परिकलित किया गया है। बाद में यह देखा गया कि एक प्रक्षेप 53 के बजाय गलती से 83 पढ़ा गया था। सही माध्य क्या है ? |
Options: 1) 39 2) 39.7 3) 40.3 4) 42.7 |
Correct Answer: 39.7 |
Question 67.![]() ![]() |
Options: 1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4 |
Correct Answer: 2 |
Question 68.![]() ![]() |
Options: 1) ![]() 2) ![]() 3) ![]() 4) ![]() |
Correct Answer:![]() |
Question 69.A sphere of radius 5 cm is melted to form a cone with base of same radius. The height (in cm) of the cone is 5 से.मी. त्रिज्या वाले एक गोले को समान त्रिज्या के आधार वाला एक शंकु बनाने के लिए गलाया जाता है। शंकु की ऊंचाई (से.मी. में) कितनी होगी ? |
Options: 1) 5 2) 10 3) 20 4) 22 |
Correct Answer: 20 |
Question 70.The difference between compound interest and simple interest on a certain sum of money for 2 years at 5% per annum is Rs. 41. What is the sum of money? किसी राशि पर 5% प्रति वर्ष पर 2 वर्ष के चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज और साधरण ब्याज के बीच अंतर Rs.41 है। तो राशि कितनी है? |
Options: 1) Rs.7200 2) Rs.9600 3) Rs.16400 4) Rs.8400 |
Correct Answer: Rs.16400 |
Question 71.A man standing on the bank of river observes that the angle subtended by a tree on the opposite bank is 60o. When he retires 36 m from the bank, he finds that the angle is 30o. The breadth of the river is एक नदी के किनारे खड़ा व्यक्ति देखता है कि नदी पार किनारे पर लगे वृक्ष द्वारा अंतरित कोण 60° है। जब वह किनारे से 36 मी. पीछे आता है तो वह देखता है कि कोण 30° है। नदी की चौड़ाई कितनी है ? |
Options: 1) 15 m 15 मी. 2) 18 m 18 मी. 3) 16 m 16 मी. 4) 11 m 11 मी. |
Correct Answer: 18 m 18 मी. |
Question 72.Study the bar-graph given below which shows the % distribution of total expenditures of a company under various expense and answer the questions. नीचे दिये गये बार-ग्राफ का अध्ययन कीजिए जो किसी कम्पनी द्वारा विभिन्न मदों पर किए गये कुल खर्च के प्रतिशत वितरण को दर्शाता है । ![]() The expenditures on the interest on loans is more than the expenditures on transport by ऋण के ब्याज पर किया गया खर्च, परिवहन पर किये गये खर्च से कितना अधिक है ? |
Options: 1) 5% 2) 10% 3) 40% 4) 30% |
Correct Answer: 40% |
Question 73.Study the bar-graph given below which shows the % distribution of total expenditures of a company under various expense and answer the questions. नीचे दिये गये बार-ग्राफ का अध्ययन कीजिए जो किसी कम्पनी द्वारा विभिन्न मदों पर किए गये कुल खर्च के प्रतिशत वितरण को दर्शाता है । ![]() If the interest on loans amounted to ₹ 2.45 crores, then the total amount of expenditure on advertisement, taxes and research & development is: यदि ऋण पर ब्याज ₹ 2.45 करोड़ है, तो प्रचार, टैक्स और रिसर्च एण्ड डवलपमैन्ट पर कुल कितना खर्च हुआ ? |
Options: 1) ₹ 7 Crores ₹ 7 करोड़ 2) ₹ 4.2 Crores ₹ 4.2 करोड़ 3) ₹ 5.4 Crores ₹ 5.4 करोड़ 4) ₹ 3 Crores ₹ 3 करोड़ |
Correct Answer: ₹ 4.2 Crores ₹ 4.2 करोड़ |
Question 74.Study the bar-graph given below which shows the % distribution of total expenditures of a company under various expense and answer the questions. नीचे दिये गये बार-ग्राफ का अध्ययन कीजिए जो किसी कम्पनी द्वारा विभिन्न मदों पर किए गये कुल खर्च के प्रतिशत वितरण को दर्शाता है । ![]() The ratio of the total expenditure on infrastructure and transport to the total expenditure on taxes and interest on loans is: इन्फ्रास्ट्रक्चर और परिवहन पर कुल खर्च तथा टैक्स और ऋण के ब्याज पर कुल खर्च का अनुपात क्या है ? |
Options: 1) 5:4 2) 8:7 3) 9:7 4) 13:11 |
Correct Answer: 13:11 |
Question 75.Study the bar-graph given below which shows the % distribution of total expenditures of a company under various expense and answer the questions. नीचे दिये गये बार-ग्राफ का अध्ययन कीजिए जो किसी कम्पनी द्वारा विभिन्न मदों पर किए गये कुल खर्च के प्रतिशत वितरण को दर्शाता है । ![]() If the total expenditure of the company is Rs. 20 crores, then the ratio of expenditure on transport to that on salary is यदि कम्पनी का कुल खर्च Rs. 20 करोड़ है, तो वाहन और वेतन पर खर्च का अनुपात क्या है ? |
Options: 1) 5:4 2) 4:5 3) 5:8 4) 8:5 |
Correct Answer: 5:8 |
Question 76.In the following question, out of the four alternatives, choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word and click the button corresponding to it. ENIGMA |
Correct Answer: RIDDLE |
Question 77.In the following question, out of the four alternatives, choose the word which is opposite in meaning to the given word and click the button corresponding to it. INERTIA |
Correct Answer: VIGOUR |
Question 78.Four words are given, out of which only one word is spelt correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word and click the button corresponding to it. |
Options: 1) Pious 2) Pios 3) Pieos 4) Piuos |
Correct Answer: Pious |
Question 79.In the following questions, one part of the sentence may have an error. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and click the button corresponding to it. If the sentence is free from error, click the "No error" option. Each child (A) / was given a (B) / red beautiful balloon. (C) / No error (D) |
Options: 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D |
Correct Answer: C |
Question 80.In the following questions, one part of the sentence may have an error. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and click the button corresponding to it. If the sentence is free from error, click the "No error" option. She has had the best medical facilities available (A) / but she will not be cured (B) / unless she does not have a strong desire to live (C) / No error (D) |
Options: 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D |
Correct Answer: C |
Question 81.In the following questions, one part of the sentence may have an error. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and click the button corresponding to it. If the sentence is free from error, click the "No error" option. As if aware of my condition (A) / the infuriated bird suddenly doubled back on its course (B) / and charged straight after me (C) / No error (D) |
Options: 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D |
Correct Answer: C |
Question 82.The sentences given with blanks are to be filled with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. For each question, choose the correct alternative and click the button corresponding to it. The passengers were afraid but the captain ___________ them that there was no danger. |
Options: 1) suggested 2) pleaded 3) advise 4) assured |
Correct Answer: assured |
Question 83.The sentences given with blanks are to be filled with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. For each question, choose the correct alternative and click the button corresponding to it. I insisted ________ his leaving the place. |
Options: 1) on 2) about 3) in 4) with |
Correct Answer: on |
Question 84.The sentences given with blanks are to be filled with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. For each question, choose the correct alternative and click the button corresponding to it. Please don't ________ me when I'm speaking. |
Options: 1) interrupted 2) interrupts 3) interrupt 4) interrupting |
Correct Answer: interrupt |
Question 85.In each of the questions, four alternatives are given for the Idiom/Phrase. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase and click the button corresponding to it. Beat around the bush |
Options: 1) Walk around the forest 2) Clean the bushy areas 3) Avoiding the main topic 4) Play around the forest |
Correct Answer: Avoiding the main topic |
Question 86.In each of the questions, four alternatives are given for the Idiom/Phrase. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase and click the button corresponding to it. Make room |
Options: 1) Clean the room 2) Make space 3) Attain the room 4) Make a clean sweep |
Correct Answer: Make space |
Question 87.In each of the questions, four alternatives are given for the Idiom/Phrase. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase and click the button corresponding to it. Mend your ways |
Options: 1) Happy with one's behaviour 2) Sad with one's behaviour 3) Destroy one's behaviour 4) Improve one's behaviour |
Correct Answer: Improve one's behaviour |
Question 88.Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences and click the button corresponding to it. A record of one's own life written by oneself |
Options: 1) History 2) Biography 3) Bibliography 4) Autobiography |
Correct Answer: Autobiography |
Question 89.Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences and click the button corresponding to it. Belong to the same period |
Options: 1) Comrades 2) Contemporaries 3) Compromises 4) Renegades |
Correct Answer: Contemporaries |
Question 90.Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences and click the button corresponding to it. One who listens secretly to private conversation |
Options: 1) Eavesdropper 2) Encroacher 3) Eaves bearer 4) Listener |
Correct Answer: Eavesdropper |
Question 91.A sentence/a part of the sentence is underlined. Four alternatives are given to the underlined part which will improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative and click the button corresponding to it. In case no improvement is needed, click the button corresponding to "No improvement". You must complete this work up to Sunday. |
Options: 1) within Sunday 2) by Sunday 3) on to Sunday 4) No improvement |
Correct Answer: by Sunday |
Question 92.A sentence/a part of the sentence is underlined. Four alternatives are given to the underlined part which will improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative and click the button corresponding to it. In case no improvement is needed, click the button corresponding to "No improvement". Hole wheat bread is good for health. |
Options: 1) Whole 2) Healthy 3) Holed 4) No improvement |
Correct Answer: Whole |
Question 93.A sentence/a part of the sentence is underlined. Four alternatives are given to the underlined part which will improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative and click the button corresponding to it. In case no improvement is needed, click the button corresponding to "No improvement". She has no pen to write. |
Options: 1) write with 2) write at 3) write in 4) No improvement |
Correct Answer: write with |
Question 94.A sentence/a part of the sentence is underlined. Four alternatives are given to the underlined part which will improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative and click the button corresponding to it. In case no improvement is needed, click the button corresponding to "No improvement". He dislikes the word, isn't he? |
Options: 1) doesn't he? 2) didn't he? 3) does he? 4) No improvement |
Correct Answer: doesn't he? |
Question 95.A sentence/a part of the sentence is underlined. Four alternatives are given to the underlined part which will improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative and click the button corresponding to it. In case no improvement is needed, click the button corresponding to "No improvement". He is one of those who likes to help others. |
Options: 1) those persons who like to help others 2) those who like to help the other 3) those who like to help others 4) No improvement |
Correct Answer: No improvement |
Question 96.A passage is given with 5 questions following it. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives and click the button corresponding to it. Crude mineral oil comes out of the earth as a thick brown or black liquid with a strong smell. It is a complex mixture of many different substances, each with its own individual qualities. Most of them are combinations of hydrogen and carbon in varying proportions. Such hydrocarbons are also found in other forms such as bitumen, asphalt and natural gas. Mineral oil originates from the carcasses of tiny animals and from plants that live in the sea. Over million of years, these dead creatures form large deposits under sea-bed and ocean currents cover them with a blanket of sand and silt. As this material hardens, it becomes sedimentary rock and effectively shuts out the oxygen, thus preventing the complete decomposition of the marine deposits underneath. The layers of sedimentary rocks become thicker, and heavier. Their pressure produces heat, which transforms the tiny carcasses into crude oil in a process that is still going on today. How does crude oil come out of the earth ? |
Options: 1) Thick brown or black liquid with mild smell 2) Thick red brown liquid with strong smell 3) Mixture of different colours 4) Thick brown or black liquid with a strong smell |
Correct Answer: Thick brown or black liquid with a strong smell |
Question 97.A passage is given with 5 questions following it. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives and click the button corresponding to it. Crude mineral oil comes out of the earth as a thick brown or black liquid with a strong smell. It is a complex mixture of many different substances, each with its own individual qualities. Most of them are combinations of hydrogen and carbon in varying proportions. Such hydrocarbons are also found in other forms such as bitumen, asphalt and natural gas. Mineral oil originates from the carcasses of tiny animals and from plants that live in the sea. Over million of years, these dead creatures form large deposits under sea-bed and ocean currents cover them with a blanket of sand and silt. As this material hardens, it becomes sedimentary rock and effectively shuts out the oxygen, thus preventing the complete decomposition of the marine deposits underneath. The layers of sedimentary rocks become thicker, and heavier. Their pressure produces heat, which transforms the tiny carcasses into crude oil in a process that is still going on today. What is crude mineral oil? |
Options: 1) Complex mixture of many different substances 2) Simple mixture of natural gas 3) Plain white oil 4) It is bitumen |
Correct Answer: Complex mixture of many different substances |
Question 98.A passage is given with 5 questions following it. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives and click the button corresponding to it. Crude mineral oil comes out of the earth as a thick brown or black liquid with a strong smell. It is a complex mixture of many different substances, each with its own individual qualities. Most of them are combinations of hydrogen and carbon in varying proportions. Such hydrocarbons are also found in other forms such as bitumen, asphalt and natural gas. Mineral oil originates from the carcasses of tiny animals and from plants that live in the sea. Over million of years, these dead creatures form large deposits under sea-bed and ocean currents cover them with a blanket of sand and silt. As this material hardens, it becomes sedimentary rock and effectively shuts out the oxygen, thus preventing the complete decomposition of the marine deposits underneath. The layers of sedimentary rocks become thicker, and heavier. Their pressure produces heat, which transforms the tiny carcasses into crude oil in a process that is still going on today. From where does mineral oil originate? |
Options: 1) Complex mixture of substances 2) Carcasses of tiny animals and plants that live in the sea 3) From lakes 4) Only from plants |
Correct Answer: Carcasses of tiny animals and plants that live in the sea |
100.A passage is given with 5 questions following it. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives and click the button corresponding to it. Crude mineral oil comes out of the earth as a thick brown or black liquid with a strong smell. It is a complex mixture of many different substances, each with its own individual qualities. Most of them are combinations of hydrogen and carbon in varying proportions. Such hydrocarbons are also found in other forms such as bitumen, asphalt and natural gas. Mineral oil originates from the carcasses of tiny animals and from plants that live in the sea. Over million of years, these dead creatures form large deposits under sea-bed and ocean currents cover them with a blanket of sand and silt. As this material hardens, it becomes sedimentary rock and effectively shuts out the oxygen, thus preventing the complete decomposition of the marine deposits underneath. The layers of sedimentary rocks become thicker, and heavier. Their pressure produces heat, which transforms the tiny carcasses into crude oil in a process that is still going on today. Sedimentary rocks leads to the formation of oil deposits because |
Options: 1) their pressure produces heat and turns deposits of animal carcasses and plants into oil. 2) it turns heavy and shuts out the oxygen 3) it becomes hard and forms into rocks to squeeze oil 4) it becomes light and soft and applies pressure to produce oil |
Correct Answer: their pressure produces heat and turns deposits of animal carcasses and plants into oil. |