The Commission had conducted Tier-II Examination of
CGLE, 2017 from 17.2.2018 to 22.2.2018 across the country.
On 21.2.2018, due to incomplete downloading of data on
account of some technical reasons, the examination was
delayed and candidates faced inconveniences.
The Commission after detailed consultations with all its 09
Regional / Sub-Regional Offices and based on the inputs
provided by them and also representations received from some
candidates, the Commission has taken a considered decision in
the interest of the candidates, to re-conduct Paper-I i.e.
Quantitative Ability, on 9.3.2018 at 10.30 AM. The details of
the venue of the examination will be uploaded on the
respective regional websites. It may, however, be noted that
the re-examination would be conducted for only those
candidates who had actually appeared for Paper-I Examination
on 21.2.2018 at their designated venues of examination.
However, at one venue in Patna i.e. Cyber City, the reexamination
will be conducted for Paper-I as well as Paper-II,
on the same day.