Objective General Knowledge By Lucent in [Hindi]
Indian History
Ancient India
1 . Harappan / Indus Civilization
2 . Vedic Culture
3 . 1 . Mahajanapada Period
3 . II . Religious Movements
4 . Maurya Period
5 . 1 . Post - Maurya / Pre - Gupta Period
5 . II . The Sangam Period
6 . Gupta Period
7 . Post - Gupta Period / Vardhana Dynasty
8 . Miscellaneous ( Ancient India )
Medieval India :
9 . Early - Medieval Period
1 . North India ( Rajputa Period )
II . South India ( Cholas and Others )
10 . Sultanate Period
I . The Delhi Sultanate
10 . Sultanate Period
II . Vijayanagar & Other Kingdoms
11 . Religious Movements in 15th - 16th Centuries
1 . Bhakti Movement
II . Sufi Movement
12 . Mughal Period
13 . Maratha State & Maratha Confederacy
14 . The Advent of the Europeans
15 . Miscellaneous ( Medieval India )
Modern India :
16 . Expansion of British Power ( In the context of Bengal , Mysore , Punjab etc )
17 . Economic Impact of British Rule
18 . 1 . Socio - Religious Movements in 19th - 20th Centuries
18 . II . Caste , Tribal , Peasant and Trade Union Movements
19 . Freedom Struggle
I . The Revolt of 1857
II . Moderate Phase
III , Extremist Phase
19 . IV . The Gandhian Era ( 1917 - 47 ) ,
20 . Miscellaneous ( Modern India )
Indian Polity :
1 . Constitutional Development of India
2 . Constituent Assembly
3 . Salient Features of the Constitution
4 . Sources of the Constitution
5 . The Preamble
6 . Parts , Articles and Schedules of the Constitution
7 . Union and the Territory
8 . Citizenship
9 . Fundamental Rights
10 . 1 . Directive Principles of State Policy
II . Fundamental Duties
11 . The Union Executive
I . The President
II . The Vice - President
III . The Prime Minister
IV . The Council of Ministers
12 . The At tornery General , Comptroller and Auditor - General ( CAG ) etc
13 . The Union Legislature
I . The Parliament
II . Rajya Sabha ( The Council of States )
III . Lok Sabha ( The House of the People )
IV . Officers of Parliament : Speaker ( Lok Sabha ) , Chairman ( Rajya Sabha )
V . Sessions & Sittings , Parliamentary Proceedings
VI . Parliamentary Committees
14 . The Union Judiciary : Supreme Court
15 . The State Executive
I . Governor
II . The Chief Minister , The Council of Ministers
16 . The Advocate General ete
17 . The State Legislature
I . Vidhan Parishad ( The Legislative Council )
II . Vidhan Sabha ( The Legislative Assembly )
III . Officers : Speaker ( Vidhan Sabha ) , Chairman ( Vidhan Parishad )
18 . The State Judiciary : High Courts
19 . Special Provisions relating to Jammu & Kashmir
20 . Local Government
I . Municpality
II . Panchayati Raj
21 . Centre - State Relations
22 . Public Service Commission
23 . Election Commis sion
24 . Official Language
25 . Emergency Provisions
26 . Constitutional Amendments
27 . Order of Precedence
28 . National Insignia / Symbols ( National Flag , National Anthem , National Song etc . )
29 . Miscellaneous
Indian Economy
1 . Nature of Indian Economy
2 . National Income in India
3 . Planning in India
4 . Population of India
5 . Natural Resources of India ( Land , Forest , Minerals etc . )
6 . Infrastructure ( Energy , Transportantion , Communication etc . )
7 . Social Sectors ( Poverty , Unemployment , Development & Employment Programmes , Population Growth , Human Development etc )
8 . Agriculture
9 . Industry
10 . Money
11 . Banking
12 . Public Finance ( Indian Fiscal System , Indian Tax Structure , Centre - State Financial Relation , Black Money etc . )
13 . Foreign Trade
14 . International Organisations ( IMF , IBRD / World Bank etc . )
15 . Miscellaneous
1 . Physical Geography :
1 . Our Universe
2 . Interior of Earth
3 . Longitude and Latitude
4 . Period , Epoch and Era
5 . Earthquake And Volcano
6 . Mountain , Plateau And Rocks
7 . Weathering And Erosion
8 . World Landforms
9 . Rivers , Lakes And Falls
2 . Oceanography :
1 . Reliefs Of Ocean Basins
2 . Ocean Current
3 . Salinity
4 . Ocean Tides
5 . Ocean Deposits
6 . Continent And Continental Shelf
7 . Seas And Ocean
8 . Ocean Temperature
9 . Coral Reefs
10 . Islands And Lakes
11 . River And Water Falls
12 . Straits , Canals and Passes
3 . World Climate :
1 . Atmospheric Composition
2 . Temperature
3 . Humidity
4 . Albedo and Air Mass
5 . Cloud
6 . El Nino , La Nina and Southern Oscillation
7 . Air Pressure
8 . Winds
9 . Cyclone and Anticyclone
10 . Climate And Wheather
12 . Precipitation
4 . Natural Resources :
1 . Natural Vegetation
2 . World Grassland
3 . Enviromental Geography
4 . Natural Regions
5 . Fisheries
6 . Soil
7 . Deserts
5 . Economic Geography :
1 . World Mineral Resources
2 . World Energy Resources
3 . World Agriculture
4 . World Industries
6 . Population :
1 . Human Geography
2 . World Population
3 . World Tribes
4 . Settlement
5 . Transportation
6 . Models & Principles
7 . Regional Geography :
1 . Developing Country
2 . Developed Country
8 . Geography of India :
1 . Physical Features of India
2 . Passes Of India
3 . Rivers And Lakes Of India
4 . Soils Of India
5 . Vegetations of India
6 Indian Climate
7 . Minerals in India
8 . Energy Resources In India
9 . Agriculture Of India
10 . Irrigation In India
11 . Industry In India
12 . Indian Population
13 . Transport System In India
14 . Miscellaneous
Ecology and Environment
General Science
1 . Mechanics
2 . Heat
3 . Sound
4 . Light
5 . Electricity and Magnetism
6 . Modern Physics
7 . Electronic devices and communication system
Computer :
1 . General Introduction
2 . Development of Computer
3 . Input and Output Device
4 . Memory
5 . Personal Computer
6 . Design Tools and Programming Languages
7 . Data Representation and Number System
8 . Software
9 . Data Communication
10 . Internet
11 . Microsoft Windows
12 . Microsoft Office
Chemistry :
1 . Nature and composition of substances
2 . Atomic structure
3 . Radioactivity
4 . Chemical Bonding
5 . Oxidation and Reduction
6 . Acids , Bases and Salt
7 . Properties of Gases
8 . Catalysis
9 . Thermodynamics and Energetics
10 . Periodic classification of element
11 . Solutions
12 . Electrolytes & Electrochemistry
13 . Surface Chemistry
14 . Metals and Their Compounds
15 . Non - Metals and Their Compounds
16 . Hydrocarbons And Its Derivatives
17 . Biomolecules
18 . Chemistry in Every Day Life
Biology :
1 . Botany and Branches
2 . Classification of Plant Kingdom
3 . Micro Organism
4 . Taxonomy of Angiosperm
5 . Morphology of Plant
6 . Plant Physiology
7 . Plant
8 . Plant Tissue
9 . Plant Disease
10 . Branch of Zoology
11 . Classification of Animal Kingdom
12 . Human Physiology
13 . Human
14 . Cytology
15 . Animal Tissue
16 . Health , Disease & Nutrition
17 . Genetics
18 . Evolution
19 . Ecology
20 . Pollution
21 . Scientist : Their Contribution in Biology
22 . Biodiversity and Wild Life
23 . Biotechnology
1 . Personalities
2 . Abbreviations
3 . National and International Organisations
4 . Books and Authors
5 . Awards and Honours
6 . Dates , Days and Years
7 . Sports