SSC CGL 2016 Tier-I Question Paper 30 August 3rd Shift With Answer Key

SSC CGL 2016 Tier-I Question Paper 30 August 3rd Shift With Answer Key

Dear Aspirants

SSC CGL 2016 was conducted from 27 August to 11 September in 43 shifts. Today we are providing you the 30th August 3rd shift exam question paper with answer key according to the SSC. You can practice these question to build your knowledge.

SSC CGL 2016 Tier-I Question Paper 30 August 3rd Shift With Answer Key

Question 1.Select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives.

दिये गये विकल्पों में से संबन्धित शब्द/अक्षरों/संख्या को चुनिए।

Grain : Warehouse :: Water ?

अनाज : गोदाम:: जल : ?
1) Canal
2) River
3) Estuary
4) Dam
Correct Answer: Dam

Question 2.Select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives.

दिये गये विकल्पों में से संबन्धित शब्द/अक्षरों/संख्या को चुनिए।




Correct Answer: NQST

Question 3.Select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives.

दिये गये विकल्पों में से संबन्धित शब्द/अक्षरों/संख्या को चुनिए।

12 : 144 :: ?
1) 10 : 40

2) 15 : 125

3) 20 : 400

4) 22 : 464
Correct Answer: 20 : 400

Question 4.

For the following questions

Find the odd word/letters/numbers pair from the given alternatives.

दिये गये विकल्पों में से विषम शब्द/ अक्षर/संख्या युग्म चुनिए।
1) Peninsula
2) Island
3) Bay
4) Cape
Correct Answer: Bay

Question 5.

For the following questions

Find the odd word/letters/numbers pair from the given alternatives.

दिये गये विकल्पों में से विषम शब्द/ अक्षर/संख्या युग्म चुनिए।
1) Tomato
2) Potato
3) Carrot
4) Radish
Correct Answer: Tomato

Question 6.

For the following questions

Find the odd word/letters/numbers pair from the given alternatives.

दिये गये विकल्पों में से विषम शब्द/ अक्षर/संख्या युग्म चुनिए।
1) 41 - 72

2) 12 - 30

3) 51-42

4) 11 - 20
Correct Answer: 41 - 72

Question 7.Which one of the following words will appear third in the dictionary?

निम्नलिखित विकल्पों में से कौन-सा शब्द शब्दकोश में तीसरे स्थान पर आयेगा ?
1) Immutable

2) Immigrate

3) Imperative

4) Impassioned
Correct Answer: Impassioned

Question 8.A series is given, with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.

निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में एक अनुक्रम दिया गया है, जिसमें एक पद लुप्त है। दिए गए विकल्पों में सही विकल्प चुनिए जो अनुक्रम को पूरा करे।
B, F, K, Q, ?
1) X

2) R

3) T

4) Y
Correct Answer: X

Question 9.A series is given, with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.

निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में एक अनुक्रम दिया गया है, जिसमें एक पद लुप्त है। दिए गए विकल्पों में सही विकल्प चुनिए जो अनुक्रम को पूरा करे।
5, 9, 13, 17, ?, 25
1) 27

2) 23

3) 21

4) 19
Correct Answer: 21

Question 10.A shepherd had 17 sheep. All but eight died. How many was he left with?

एक चरवाहे के पास 17 भेड़ थी। उनमें से आठ को छोड़कर सब मर गई। अब उसके पास कितनी भेड़ शेष हैं ?
1) 17

2) 0

3) 8

4) 9
Correct Answer: 8

Question 11.The sum of present age of father and his son is 60 yrs. Six years ago, father's age was five times the age of the son. After 6 years, son's age will be?

एक पिता और उसके पुत्र की कुल आयु 60 वर्ष है। 6 वर्ष पहले पिता की आयु पुत्र की आयु की 5 गुना थी। 6 वर्ष बाद पुत्र की आयु क्या होगी ?
1) 45

2) 25

3) 20

4) 33
Correct Answer: 20

Question 12.From the given alternative words, select the word which cannot be formed using the letters of the given word :

निम्नलिखित विकल्पों में से वह शब्द चुनिए जो दिए गए शब्द के अक्षरों का प्रयोग करके नहीं बनाया जा सकता।



Correct Answer: AMBITION

Question 13.In certain code, if 'AMOUNT' is written as 'BNPTMS', how is 'AROUND' written in that code?

यदि किसी कोड में 'AMOUNT' को 'BNPTMS' लिखते हैं, तो उसी कोड में 'AROUND' को क्या लिखेंगे ?



Correct Answer: BSPTMC

Question 14.If 5 x 4 x 0 = 405
3 x 2 x 8 = 283
then 1 x 7 x 6 = ?

यदि 5 x 4 x 0 = 405
3 x 2 x 8 = 283
तो 1 x 7 x 6 = ?
1) 617

2) 716

3) 167

4) 761
Correct Answer: 761

Question 15.If 56 x 11 = 9, 37 x 13 = 6, 42 x 12 = 3, then find the value of 87 x 77.

यदि 56 x 11 = 9, 37 x 13 = 6, 42 x 12 = 3, तो 87 x 77 का मान बताइए।
1) 1

2) 2

3) 3

4) 4
Correct Answer: 1

Question 16.Select the missing number from the given responses :

दिए गए विकल्पों में से लुप्त संख्या ज्ञात कीजिए।

1) 60

2) 58

3) 65

4) 72
Correct Answer: 72

Question 17.Vijey walks 10 meters westward, then turns left and walks 10 meters. He then again turns left and walks 10 meters. He takes a 45 degree turn rightwards and walks straight. In which direction is he walking now?

विजय 10 मी. पश्चिम की ओर चलता है, और फिर बाएँ मुड़कर 10 मी. चलता है। वह फिर बाएँ मुड़ता है और 10 मी. चलता है। वह 45 डिग्री दाएँ घूमता है और सीधा चलता है। अब वह किस दिशा में चल रहा है ?
1) South
2) West
3) South East
4) South West
Correct Answer: South West

Question 18.Consider the given statement/s to be true and decide which of the given conclusions/assumptions can definitely be drawn from the given statement.
I. All that glitters is not gold
II. Sujatha wears a gold ornament
I) Sujatha's ornament glitters
II) Sujatha's ornaments do not glitter

निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में एक या दो वक्तव्य दिये गये है, जिसके आगे दो निष्कर्ष/मान्यताएं, I और II निकाले गये हैं। आपको विचार करना है कि वक्तव्य सत्य है चाहे वह सामान्यतः शर्त तथ्यों से भिन्न प्रतीत होता हो। आपको निर्णय करना है कि दिए गए वक्तव्य में से कोन-सा निश्चित रूप से सही निष्कर्ष/मान्यता निकाला जा सकता है ?
कथन :
I. सभी चमकती हुई चीजें सोना नहीं है।
II. सुजाता एक सोने का गहना पहने हुए है।
I. सुजाता के गहने चमकते हैं।
II. सुजाता के गहने नहीं चमकते हैं।
1) Only Conclusion I follows
केवल निष्कर्ष I सही है।
2) Only Conclusion II follows

केवल निष्कर्ष II सही है।

3) Both Conclusions I & II follow
निष्कर्ष I और II दोनों सहीं हैं।
4) Niether Conclusion I nor II follows
ना तो निष्कर्ष I सही है और ना ही II सही है।
Correct Answer: Niether Conclusion I nor II follows
ना तो निष्कर्ष I सही है और ना ही II सही है।

Question 19.Find the number of triangles in the given figure

दी गई आकृति में कितने त्रिकोण हैं?

1) 11

2) 12

3) 13

4) 14
Correct Answer: 13

Question 20.In the following figure, circle represents Graduates, triangle represents Sub-Inspector of Police, and parallelogram represents Women. Then, which number space represents Women Graduate and Sub-Inspector of Police?

निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में दी गई आकृति में गोला, स्नातकों को दर्शाता है, त्रिभुज पुलिस उप निरीक्षक को और समांतर चतुर्भुज महिलाओं को दर्शाता है। तो कौन - सी संख्या उन महिलाओं को दर्शाती है, जो स्नातक और उप - निरीक्षक है ?
1) 2

2) 5

3) 7

4) 6
Correct Answer: 5

Question 21.Which answer figure will complete the pattern in the question figure?

कौन-सी उत्तर-आकृति प्रश्न-आकृति के प्रतिरूप को पूरा करेगी ?




Correct Answer:

Question 22.From the given answer figures, select the one in which the question figure is hidden / embedded.

निम्नलिखित विकल्पों में से उस उत्तर आकृति को चुनिए जिसमें प्रश्न आकृति निहित हो।




Correct Answer:

Question 23.A piece of paper is folded and cut, as shown below in the question figures. Front the given answer figures, indicate how it will appear when opened.

यदि किसी कागज को नीचे दिए गए चित्र के अनुसार मोड़कर काटा जाए तो खोलने के बाद वह किस आकृति जैसा दिखाई देगा ?




Correct Answer:

Question 24.If a mirror is placed on the line MN, then which of the answer figures is the right image of the given figure?

यदि एक दर्पण को MN रेखा पर रखा जाए तो दी गई उत्तर आकृतियों में से कौन-सी आकृति प्रश्न आकृति का सही प्रतिबिम्ब होगी ?




Correct Answer:

Question 25.In the question, a word is represented by only one set of numbers as given in any one of the alternatives. The sets of numbers given in the alternatives are represented by two classes of alphabets as in two matrices given below. The columns and rows of Matrix I are numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix II are numbered from 5 to 9. A letter from these matrices can be represented first by its row and next by its column, e.g., 'A' can be represented by 04, 12, etc. and 'N' can be represented by 57, 69 etc. You have to identify the set for the word 'ROAD'.

निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में विकल्पों में दिए गए संख्या-समूह, अक्षरों के दो वर्गों द्वारा दर्शाए गए हैं, जैसे कि नीचे दिए गए दो आव्यूहों में हैं। आव्यूह I के सतम्भ और पंक्ति की संख्या 0 से 4 तक दी गई है, और आव्यूह II के 5 से 9 तक, इन आव्यूहों से एक अक्षर को पहले उसकी पंक्ति और बाद में स्तम्भ संख्या द्वारा दर्शाया जा सकता है। उदाहरण के लिए 'A' को 04, 12 आदि द्वारा दर्शाया जा सकता है, तथा 'N' को 57, 69 द्वारा दर्शाया जा सकता है। इसी तरह से आपको दिए हुए शब्द 'ROAD' के लिए समूह को पहचानना है।

1) 67, 87, 23, 43

2) 86, 75, 24, 33

3) 79, 99, 41, 42

4) 86, 56, 23, 33
Correct Answer: 86, 56, 23, 33

Question 26.‘Capital gains’ refers to goods which

‘पूंजीगत लाभ’ का सम्‍बन्‍ध किस सामान से है ?
1) serve as a source of raising further capital
जो पूंजी को और बढ़ाने का साधन होते हैं ।
2) help in the further production of goods
जो सामान के और अधिक उत्‍पादन में सहायक होते हैं।
3) directly go into the satisfaction of human wants
जो मनुष्‍य की मांगों की प्रत्‍यक्ष रूप से पूर्ति करते हैं।
4) find multiple uses
जो विविध प्रयोगों को खोजते हैं।
Correct Answer: help in the further production of goods
जो सामान के और अधिक उत्‍पादन में सहायक होते हैं।

Question 27.The President can dismiss a member of the Council of Ministers

राष्‍ट्रपति मंत्रिपरिषद के सदस्‍य को कैसे बर्खास्‍त कर सकते है?
1) with the consent of the Speaker
लोकसभा अध्‍यक्ष की सहमति से
2) only under emergency conditions
आपात स्‍थितियों में
3) on the recommendation of the Prime Minister
प्रधानमंत्री की सिफारिश पर
4) on his own
अपनी स्‍वयं की ओर से
Correct Answer: on the recommendation of the Prime Minister
प्रधानमंत्री की सिफारिश पर

Question 28.Securities and Exchange Board of India is a

सिक्‍योरिटीज़ एण्‍ड एक्‍सचेंज बोर्ड ऑफ इण्डिया क्‍या है ?
1) Quasi Judicial body
क्वासी जूडीसियल बॉडी
2) Regulatory Body
रेगुलेटरी बॉडी
3) Advisory Body
सलाहकार बॉडी
4) Consititutional Body
संवैधानिक बॉडी
Correct Answer: Regulatory Body
रेगुलेटरी बॉडी

Question 29.Vikram Shila University was founded by

विक्रमशिला विश्‍वविद्यालय के संस्‍थापक कौन थे ?
1) Chandra Gupta Maurya
चंद्रगुप्‍त मौर्य
2) Kanishka
3) Dharampala
4) Pulakesin II
पुलकेशिन II
Correct Answer: Dharampala

Question 30.The tree species most commonly used in social forestry is

समाज-वानिकी में प्रयुक्‍त सर्वसामान्‍य वृक्ष प्रजाति क्‍या है ?
1) Peepal
2) Gulmohar
3) Eucalyptus
4) Mango
Correct Answer: Eucalyptus

Question 31.The most productive ecosystem in the biosphere is

वातावरण में सबसे क्रियाशील पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र कौन-सा है ?
1) Desert
2) Open Ocean
खुला समूद्र
3) Estuary
खाड़ी (एस्‍चूरी)
4) Tundra
Correct Answer: Estuary
खाड़ी (एस्‍चूरी)

Question 32.What type of force acts on a car moving around a curve?

किसी वृताकार वक्र मार्ग पर घूमने वाली कार पर किस प्रकार का बल काम करता है ?
1) Centrifugal force
अपकेंद्री बल
2) Cohesive force
ससंजक बल
3) Centripetal force
अभिकेंद्री बल
4) Gravitational force
गुरूत्‍वाकर्षण बल
Correct Answer: Centripetal force
अभिकेंद्री बल

Question 33.Which phenomenon is responsible for the echo of sound wave?

ध्‍वनि तरंगों की गूंज लिए कौन-सा कारण जिम्‍मेदार होता है ?
1) Reflection
2) Refraction
3) Interference
4) Polarisation
Correct Answer: Reflection

Question 34.In the following list of devices, which device is used in datalink layer?

निम्‍नलिखित यन्‍त्रों की सूची में डाटालिंक लेयर में किस यन्‍त्र का प्रयोग किया जाता है ?
1) Repeaters
2) Routers
3) Application gateway
एप्‍लीकेशन गेट वे
4) Bridge
Correct Answer: Bridge

Question 35.Which of the metals has the maximum thermal conductivity?

निम्‍नलिखित में से किस धातु में अधिकतम ताप चालकता होती है ?
1) Iron
2) Aluminium
3) Silver
4) Copper
Correct Answer: Silver

Question 36.Who is the author of Meghdoot?

मेघदूत का लेखक कौन है ?
1) Shundraka
2) Vishakhadatta
3) Kalidasa
4) Chanakya
Correct Answer: Kalidasa

Question 37.One of the best solutions to get rid of non-biodegradable waste is

अन्जैव अवक्रमणीय कचरे (नॉन-बॉयोडिग्रेडेबल वेस्‍ट्) के निपटान का सर्वोत्‍तम तरीका क्‍या है ?
1) Burning
2) Dumping
ढेर लगाना
3) Burying
4) Recycling
Correct Answer: Recycling

Question 38.The Sharda Act is related to

शारदा अधिनियम का सम्‍बन्‍ध किससे है ?
1) Upliftment of scheduled tribes
अनुसूचित जनजातियों का उत्‍थान
2) Upliftment of minorities
अल्‍पसंख्‍यकों का उत्‍थान
3) Child Marriage
बाल विवाह
4) Empowerment of women
महिलाओं का सशक्तिकरण
Correct Answer: Child Marriage
बाल विवाह

Question 39.In the battle of Panipat, Babar faced the armies of

पानीपत की लड़ाई में, बाबर ने किसकी सेना का सामना किया था?
1) Jaichand
2) Hemu
3) Daulat khan
दौलत खान
4) Ibrahim Lodi
इब्राहिम लोदी
Correct Answer: Ibrahim Lodi
इब्राहिम लोदी

Question 40."Smart Money" term is used for

“Smart Money“ शब्द किसके लिए प्रयोग होता है ?
1) Credit Card
क्रेडिट कार्ड
2) Internet Banking
इन्‍टरनेट बैंकिंग
3) eBanking
4) Cash with Public
कैश विद पब्लिक
Correct Answer: Credit Card
क्रेडिट कार्ड

Question 41.Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthi were jointly presented with which award?

मलाला यूसुफजई और कैलाश सत्‍यार्थी को संयुक्‍त रूप से किस से अवॉर्ड से नवाज़ा गया था ?
1) Magsaysay Award
मैगसैसे अवॉर्ड
2) Nobel Peace Prize
शान्ति का नोबेल पुरस्‍कार
3) Gandhi Peace Prize
गांधी शान्ति पुरस्‍कार
4) Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International Understanding
अंतर्राष्‍ट्रीय समझ के लिए जवाहर लाल नेहरू पुरस्‍कार
Correct Answer: Nobel Peace Prize
शान्ति का नोबेल पुरस्‍कार

Question 42.Warming Ammonium chloride with sodium hydrochloride in a test tube is an example of

एक टेस्‍ट टयूब में अमोनिमय क्‍लोराइड के साथ सोडियम हाईड्रोक्‍लोराइड को गरम करना किसका उदाहरण है ?
1) Open system
खुला तन्‍त्र
2) Closed system
बन्‍द तन्‍त्र
3) Isobaric system
समदाबी सिस्‍टम
4) Isothermal system
समतापी सिस्‍टम
Correct Answer: Open system
खुला तन्‍त्र

Question 43.Which of the following is the cleanest source of energy?

निम्‍नलिखित में से स्‍वच्‍छतम ऊर्जा का स्रोत क्या है ?
1) Biofuel
जैविक ईंधन
2) Fossil fuel
फॉसिल ईंधन
3) Nuclear power
न्‍यूक्लियर शक्ति
4) Wind energy
पवन ऊर्जा
Correct Answer: Wind energy
पवन ऊर्जा

Question 44.The first woman of Indian origin who undertook a space journey

अन्‍तरिक्ष यात्रा करने वाली भारतीय मूल की प्रथम महिला कौन थी ?
1) Sunita Williams
सुनीता विलियम्‍स
2) Kalpana Chawla
कल्‍पना चावला
3) Darshan Ranganath
दर्शन रंगनाथ
4) Avani Chaturvedi
अवनी चतुर्वेदी
Correct Answer: Kalpana Chawla
कल्‍पना चावला

Question 45.Male mosquitoes take their food from

नर मच्‍छर अपना भोजन कहां से ग्रहण करते है ?
1) human blood
मनुष्य रक्‍त
2) standing water
रुके हुए पानी से
3) sap of plants
पौधों के रस
4) dung and debris
गोबर एवं कूड़ा-कचरा
Correct Answer: sap of plants
पौधों के रस

Question 46.The range that acts as watershed between India and Turkistan is

भारत और तुर्किस्‍तान के बीच जल-विभाजक का काम करने वाली पर्वत क्षेत्र (रेंज) कौन-सी है ?
1) Zaskar
2) Kailash
3) Karakoram
4) Ladakh
Correct Answer: Karakoram

Question 47.Kolattam and Chholiya are the dance forms of which of the two States

कोलट्टम और छोलिया नृत्य शैली किन दो राज्‍यों से सम्बंधित है ?
1) Kerala and Karnataka
केरल और कर्नाटक
2) Andhra Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh
आन्‍ध्र प्रदेश और उत्‍तर प्रदेश
3) Tamil Nadu and Madhya Pradesh
तमिल नाडू और मध्‍य प्रदेश
4) Karnataka and Bihar
कर्नाटक और बिहार
Correct Answer: Andhra Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh
आन्‍ध्र प्रदेश और उत्‍तर प्रदेश

Question 48.Which parliamentary committee in India is normally chaired by a prominent member of the opposition?

भारत में किस संसदीय समीति की सामान्‍यतः अध्‍यक्षता विपक्ष के प्रमुख सदस्‍य द्वारा की जाती है ?
1) Committee on Government Assurances
सरकारी आश्‍वासन संबंधी समीति
2) Estimates Committee
प्राक्‍कलन समीति
3) Privileges Committee
विशेषाधिकार समीति
4) Public Accounts Committee
लोक लेखा समीति
Correct Answer: Public Accounts Committee
लोक लेखा समीति

Question 49.The specific role of Vitamin K is in the synthesis of

विटामीन 'के' की विशिष्‍ट भूमिका किसके संश्‍लेषण में है ?
1) Albumin
2) Antibodies
3) Globulin
4) Prothrombin
Correct Answer: Prothrombin

Question 50.From the national point of view, which of the following indicates micro approach?

राष्‍ट्रीय दृष्टिकोण से, निम्‍नलिखित में से कौन-सा सूक्ष्‍म दृष्टिकोण होगा ?
1) Study of sales of mobile phones by BSNL
बी.एस.एन.एल द्वारा मोबाइल फोनों की बिक्री का अध्‍ययन
2) Unemployement among Women
महिलाओं में बेरोजगारी
3) Per capita income in India
भारत में प्रति व्‍यक्ति आय
4) Inflation in India
भारत में मुद्रा स्‍फीति
Correct Answer: Study of sales of mobile phones by BSNL
बी.एस.एन.एल द्वारा मोबाइल फोनों की बिक्री का अध्‍ययन

Question 51.A can do a piece of work in 10 days, B can do it in 12 days and C can do it in 15 days. In how many days will A, B and C finish it, working all together?

A किसी काम को 10 दिन में करता है, B उसी काम को 12 दिन में करता है और C उसी काम को 15 दिन में करता है। A, B और C तीनों मिलकर उस काम को कितने दिन में पूरा करेंगे ?
1) 6 days
6 दिन
2) 51/4 days
51/4 दिन
3) 44/11 days
44/11 दिन
4) 4 days
4 दिन
Correct Answer: 4 days
4 दिन

Question 52.If the volumes of two right circular cones are in the ratio 1:4 and their diameters of bases in the ratio 4:5, then their heights will be in the ratio:

यदि दो लम्ब व्रत्तीय शंकुओं के आयतन 1:4 के अनुपात में तथा उनके आधारों के व्यास 4:5 के अनुपात में हो, तो उनकी ऊँचाईयों में क्या अनुपात होगा ?
1) 1: 5

2) 4:25

3) 16:25

4) 25:64
Correct Answer: 25:64

Question 53.List price of TV is Rs. 2300 and discount series found to be 25% and 10%. Then the selling price of TV is

किसी टी.वी. की सूची कीमत Rs. 2300 है और उन पर बट्टा 25% और 10% हो तो विक्रय मूल्य बताइए ?
1) Rs.1255.5

2) Rs.1525.5

3) Rs.1552.5

4) Rs.1555.2
Correct Answer: Rs.1552.5

Question 54.Ram is 20 years younger than Shyam. 5 years ago, the ratio of their age was 3:5. The sum of their present age is

राम, श्याम से 20 वर्ष छोटा है। 15 वर्ष पूर्व उनकी आयु में 3:5 का अनुपात था।उनकी वर्तमान आयु का योग बताइए ?
1) 75 years
75 वर्ष
2) 80 years
80 वर्ष
3) 90 years
90 वर्ष
4) 95 years
95 वर्ष
Correct Answer: 90 years
90 वर्ष

Question 55.If the loss of percent on article is 15%. Then the ratio of the cost price and sell price will be

यदि किसी वस्तु पर 15% की हानि हो तो उसके क्रय मूल्य और विक्रय मूल्य का अनुपात बताइए ?
1) 17:20

2) 20:17

3) 23:15

4) 15:23
Correct Answer: 20:17

Question 56.If A's salary is 40% less than that of B, then how much percent is B's salary more than that of A?

यदि A का वेतन B के वेतन से 40% कम हो तो B का वेतन A के वेतन से कितने प्रतिशत अधिक है ?
1) 33⅓

2) 66⅔

3) 33⅔

4) 66⅓
Correct Answer: 66⅔

Question 57.Gautam goes to office at a speed of 12 kmph and returns home at 10 kmph.His average speed is

गौतम 12 कि.मी./घंटा की चाल से कार्यालय जाता है और 10 कि.मी./घंटा की चाल से वापस आता है। उसकी औसत चाल बताइए ?
1) 11

2) 22

3) 10.9

4) 12.5
Correct Answer: 10.9

Question 58.

यदि 31/3 - 3-1/3 हो तो 3x3 + 9x का मान क्या होगा ?
1) 8

2) 9

3) 27

4) 16
Correct Answer: 8

Question 59.If xy (x + y) = m, then the value of x3 + y3 + 3m is:

यदि xy (x + y) = m हो, तो x3 + y3 + 3m का मान बताइए ?



Correct Answer:

Question 60.Which of the following is a true statement?

निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा कथन सही है ?
1) Two similar triangles are always congruent.

दो समान त्रिभुज सदा सर्वांगसम होते है।
2) Two similar triangles have equal areas
दो समान त्रिभुजों का क्षेत्रफल एक बराबर होता है।
3) Two triangles are similar if their corresponding sides are proportional
यदि दो त्रिभुजों की तदनुरुपी भुजाएं आनुपातिक हो तो वे एक समान होंगे।
4) Two polygons are similar if their corresponding sides are proportional
दो बहुभुज एक समान होंगे यदि उनकी तदनुरुपी भुजाए आनुपातिक हों।
Correct Answer: Two triangles are similar if their corresponding sides are proportional
यदि दो त्रिभुजों की तदनुरुपी भुजाएं आनुपातिक हो तो वे एक समान होंगे।

Question 61.In a triangle ABC, OB and OC are the bisectors of angles ∠ B and ∠C respectively. ∠BAC = 60o. Then the angle ∠BOC will be

ABC त्रिभुज में OB और OC क्रमशः कोण ∠B और कोण ∠C के द्धिभाजक है। ∠BAC = 60हो तो ∠कोण ∠BOC का मान क्या होगा ?
1) 150°

2) 120°

3) 100°

4) 90°
Correct Answer: 120°

Question 62.

1) 1

2) 2

3) ½

4) 0
Correct Answer: 0

Question 63.The least number that must be substracted from 63520 to make the result a perfect square is

वह न्यूनतम संख्या जिसे यदि 63520 में से घटाया जाए तो परिणाम स्वरुप पूर्ण वर्ग बन जाए , क्या होगी ?
1) 30

2) 24

3) 14

4) 16
Correct Answer: 16

Question 64.Three years ago, the average age of a family of 5 members was 17 years. A baby having been born, the average age of the family is the same today. The present age of the baby is

3 वर्ष पहले 5 सदस्यों वाले एक परिवार की औसत आयु 17 वर्ष थी। एक शिशु का जन्म हो जाने के पश्चात आज औसत आयु वही है। शिशु की वर्तमान आयु बताइए ?
1) 2 years
2 वर्ष
2) 2.4 years
2.4 वर्ष
3) 3 years
3 वर्ष
4) 1.5 years
1.5 वर्ष
Correct Answer: 2 years
2 वर्ष

Question 65.

1) 12

2) 16

3) 18

4) 15
Correct Answer: 15

Question 66.

1) ab = cd

2) ad = bc

3) ac = bd

4) a = b = c ≠ d
Correct Answer: ad = bc

Question 67.If the difference between the measures of the two smaller angles of a right angled triangle is 8o, then the smallest angle is

यदि किसी समकोण त्रिभुज के दो छोटे कोणों के माप के बीच 80 का अन्तराल हो तो सबसे छोटा कोण कौन सा होगा ?
1) 37°

2) 41°

3) 42°

4) 49°
Correct Answer: 41°

Question 68.Let O be the orthocentre of the triangle ABC. If ∠BOC = 150o, Then ∠BAC is

मान लिजिए त्रिभुज ABC का लम्बकेन्द्र O है। यदि कोण BOC = 1500 हो तो कोण BAC क्या होगा ?
1) 30°

2) 60°

3) 90°

4) 120°
Correct Answer: 30°

Question 69.


2) ⅓

3) 3

4) 9
Correct Answer: 9

Question 70.In simple interest rate per annum a certain sum amounts to Rs. 5,182 in 2 years and Rs. 5,832 in 3 years. The principal in rupees is

कोई धन राशि साधारण ब्याज की वार्षिक दर पर 2 वर्ष में Rs. 5,182 हो जाती है और 3 वर्ष में Rs. 5,832 हो जाती है। Rs. में मूलधन बताइए ?
1) Rs. 2882

2) Rs. 5000

3) Rs. 3882

4) Rs. 4000
Correct Answer: Rs. 3882

Question 71.A helicopter, at an altitude of 1500 m, finds that two ships are sailing towards it, in the same direction. The angles of depression of the ships as observed from the helicopter are 60oand 30o respectively. Distance between the two ships, in metres is

1500 मीटर ऊंचाई पर एक हेलीकॉप्टर देखता है कि दो पोत उसकी ओर उसी दिशा में चले आ रहे हैं। हेलीकॉप्टर से देखे जाने पर पोतों के अवनमन के कोण क्रमशः 600 और 300 दिखाई देते है। दोनो पोतों के बीच, मीटर में, दूरी बताइए ?



Correct Answer:

Question 72.The graph shows the monthly expenditure of a company (unit = 10 lakhs). Study the graph and answer the questions.

ग्राफ में किसी कम्पनी के मासिक व्यय को दर्शाया गया है। ग्राफ का अध्ययन कीजिए और निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए ?

The percentage of money spent on miscellaneous is

विविध मद पर कितने प्रतिशत राशि खर्च हुई ?


3) C'

4) C'
Correct Answer: C'

Question 73.The graph shows the monthly expenditure of a company (unit = 10 lakhs). Study the graph and answer the questions.

ग्राफ में किसी कम्पनी के मासिक व्यय को दर्शाया गया है। ग्राफ का अध्ययन कीजिए और निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए ?

The fraction of money spent on refreshments is

जलपान पर राशि का कितना भाग खर्च हुआ ?



4) 10
Correct Answer:

Question 74.The graph shows the monthly expenditure of a company (unit = 10 lakhs). Study the graph and answer the questions.

ग्राफ में किसी कम्पनी के मासिक व्यय को दर्शाया गया है। ग्राफ का अध्ययन कीजिए और निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए ?

The total monthly expenditure of the company is

कम्पनी का कुल मासिक व्यय कितना है ?
1) 153 Lakhs
153 लाख
2) 315 Lakhs
315 लाख
3) 135 Lakhs
135 लाख
4) 531 Lakhs
531 लाख
Correct Answer: 135 Lakhs
135 लाख

Question 75.The graph shows the monthly expenditure of a company (unit = 10 lakhs). Study the graph and answer the questions.

ग्राफ में किसी कम्पनी के मासिक व्यय को दर्शाया गया है। ग्राफ का अध्ययन कीजिए और निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए ?

The ratio between transport and employee salary on monthly basis is

मासिक आधार पर परिवहन और कर्मचारियों के वेतन के बीच अनुपात कितना है ?
1) 1:4

2) 4:3

3) 3:4

4) 4:1
Correct Answer: 1:4

Question 76.In the following question, out of the four alternatives, choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word and click the button corresponding to it.

Correct Answer: FAULTLESS

Question 77.In the following question, out of the four alternatives, choose the word which is opposite in meaning to the given word and click the button corresponding to it.

Correct Answer: APPROVAL

Question 78.Four words are given, out of which only one word is spelt correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word and click the button corresponding to it.
1) Heirrarchy
2) Hierrarchy
3) Hierarchy
4) Heirarchy
Correct Answer: Hierarchy

Question 79.In the following questions, one part of the sentence may have an error. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and click the button corresponding to it. If the sentence is free from error, click the "No error" option.

On being called, (A) / all of us (B) / entered into the room. (C) / No Error (D)
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
Correct Answer: C

Question 80.In the following questions, one part of the sentence may have an error. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and click the button corresponding to it. If the sentence is free from error, click the "No error" option.

I waited for you (A) / but you never (B) / turned up. (C) / No Error (D)
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
Correct Answer: D

Question 81.In the following questions, one part of the sentence may have an error. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and click the button corresponding to it. If the sentence is free from error, click the "No error" option.

He learnt (A) / the alphabets (B) / at the age of four. (C) / No Error (D)
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
Correct Answer: B

Question 82.The sentences given with blanks are to be filled with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. For each question, choose the correct alternative and click the button corresponding to it.

By a single mean act, he _____ out all his good deeds.
1) wiped
2) whipped
3) worked
4) whisked
Correct Answer: wiped

Question 83.The sentences given with blanks are to be filled with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. For each question, choose the correct alternative and click the button corresponding to it.

I was conscious _____ a break in my voice.
1) to
2) of
3) over
4) for
Correct Answer: of

Question 84.The sentences given with blanks are to be filled with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. For each question, choose the correct alternative and click the button corresponding to it.

The young woman broke _____ on hearing the news of her husband's death.
1) up
2) down
3) off
4) in
Correct Answer: down

Question 85.In each of the questions, four alternatives are given for the Idiom/Phrase. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase and click the button corresponding to it.

All moonshine
1) Glowing
2) Far from reality
3) Celestial
4) About the moon
Correct Answer: Far from reality

Question 86.In each of the questions, four alternatives are given for the Idiom/Phrase. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase and click the button corresponding to it.

At a snail's pace
1) Quietly
2) Quickly
3) Continuously
4) Slowly
Correct Answer: Slowly

Question 87.In each of the questions, four alternatives are given for the Idiom/Phrase. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase and click the button corresponding to it.

Call on
1) Telephone
2) Seek help
3) Pay a visit
4) Order
Correct Answer: Pay a visit

Question 88.Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences and click the button corresponding to it.

One who sets type for books, newspapers, etc.
1) Typist
2) Editor
3) Composer
4) Compositor
Correct Answer: Compositor

Question 89.Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences and click the button corresponding to it.

Land covered by water on three sides
1) Island
2) Mainland
3) Strait
4) Peninsula
Correct Answer: Peninsula

Question 90.Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences and click the button corresponding to it.

A drug or other substance that produces sleep
1) Soporific
2) Depressant
3) Narcotic
4) Antiseptic
Correct Answer: Soporific

Question 91.A sentence/a part of the sentence is underlined. Four alternatives are given to the underlined part which will improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative and click the button corresponding to it. In case no improvement is needed, click the button corresponding to "No improvement".

The rays of the sun that is setting glimmer like golden threads.
1) the sunset glimmers
2) the set sun glimmering
3) the setting sun glimmer
4) No improvement
Correct Answer: the setting sun glimmer

Question 92.A sentence/a part of the sentence is underlined. Four alternatives are given to the underlined part which will improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative and click the button corresponding to it. In case no improvement is needed, click the button corresponding to "No improvement".

Will you lend me few rupees for the taxi fare?
1) lend me any rupees
2) lend me a few rupees
3) borrow a few rupees
4) No improvement
Correct Answer: lend me a few rupees

Question 93.A sentence/a part of the sentence is underlined. Four alternatives are given to the underlined part which will improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative and click the button corresponding to it. In case no improvement is needed, click the button corresponding to "No improvement".

The higher you climb a Himalayan peak, more cold you feel.
1) the colder
2) the most cold
3) colder
4) No improvement
Correct Answer: the colder

Question 94.A sentence/a part of the sentence is underlined. Four alternatives are given to the underlined part which will improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative and click the button corresponding to it. In case no improvement is needed, click the button corresponding to "No improvement".

They were all astonished at the team's dramatic success in the competition.
1) were astonished at all
2) had all astonished by
3) had been all astonished on
4) No improvement
Correct Answer: No improvement

Question 95.A sentence/a part of the sentence is underlined. Four alternatives are given to the underlined part which will improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative and click the button corresponding to it. In case no improvement is needed, click the button corresponding to "No improvement".

She is bent to taking revenge against her attacker.
1) bent upon
2) bent in
3) bent for
4) No improvement
Correct Answer: bent upon

Question 96.A passage is given with 5 questions following it. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives and click the button corresponding to it.
There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better, for worse, as his portion; that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried. Not for nothing one face, one character, one fact, makes much impression on him, and another none. This sculpture in the memory is not without pre-established harmony. The eye was placed where one ray should fall, that it might testify of that particular ray. We but half express ourselves, and are ashamed of that divine idea which each of us represents. It may be safely trusted as proportionate and of good issues, so it be faithfully imparted, but God will not have his work made manifest by cowards. A man is relieved and gay when he has put his heart into his work and has done his best; but what he has said or done otherwise, shall give him no peace. It is a deliverance which does not deliver. In the attempt his genius deserts him; no muse befriends; no invention, no hope.

Which of the following does the author appear to highlight in this essay?
1) Being contented with the status quo
2) Knowing oneself better
3) Working hard and sincerely
4) Waiting for better opportunities
Correct Answer: Working hard and sincerely

Question 97.A passage is given with 5 questions following it. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives and click the button corresponding to it.
There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better, for worse, as his portion; that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried. Not for nothing one face, one character, one fact, makes much impression on him, and another none. This sculpture in the memory is not without pre-established harmony. The eye was placed where one ray should fall, that it might testify of that particular ray. We but half express ourselves, and are ashamed of that divine idea which each of us represents. It may be safely trusted as proportionate and of good issues, so it be faithfully imparted, but God will not have his work made manifest by cowards. A man is relieved and gay when he has put his heart into his work and has done his best; but what he has said or done otherwise, shall give him no peace. It is a deliverance which does not deliver. In the attempt his genius deserts him; no muse befriends; no invention, no hope.

When is a man relieved and gay?
1) When he has untapped potential
2) When he has put his heart into his work and has done his best
3) When destiny smiles at him
4) When he achieves his goal
Correct Answer: When he has put his heart into his work and has done his best

Question 98.A passage is given with 5 questions following it. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives and click the button corresponding to it.
There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better, for worse, as his portion; that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried. Not for nothing one face, one character, one fact, makes much impression on him, and another none. This sculpture in the memory is not without pre-established harmony. The eye was placed where one ray should fall, that it might testify of that particular ray. We but half express ourselves, and are ashamed of that divine idea which each of us represents. It may be safely trusted as proportionate and of good issues, so it be faithfully imparted, but God will not have his work made manifest by cowards. A man is relieved and gay when he has put his heart into his work and has done his best; but what he has said or done otherwise, shall give him no peace. It is a deliverance which does not deliver. In the attempt his genius deserts him; no muse befriends; no invention, no hope.

According to the author, God is not looking for _____ to manifest his works.
1) Cowards
2) Stubborn people
3) Weaklings
4) All of these
Correct Answer: Cowards

100.A passage is given with 5 questions following it. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives and click the button corresponding to it.
There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better, for worse, as his portion; that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried. Not for nothing one face, one character, one fact, makes much impression on him, and another none. This sculpture in the memory is not without pre-established harmony. The eye was placed where one ray should fall, that it might testify of that particular ray. We but half express ourselves, and are ashamed of that divine idea which each of us represents. It may be safely trusted as proportionate and of good issues, so it be faithfully imparted, but God will not have his work made manifest by cowards. A man is relieved and gay when he has put his heart into his work and has done his best; but what he has said or done otherwise, shall give him no peace. It is a deliverance which does not deliver. In the attempt his genius deserts him; no muse befriends; no invention, no hope.

What does the word 'Manifest' mean?
1) Display
2) Hide
3) Shout
4) Try
Correct Answer: Display

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